Adding a subscription whilst many users can still view a report

  • Hello

    I have a report which several users view, including myself. I have a request to set up a subscription so the report is delivered daily. However, when I go to set up the subscription I have the error message Subscription cannot be created because the credentials used to create the report are not stored...

    I can change the credentials in the data source to custom using my username and password and create the subscription but then the other users would not be able to see this report.

    How would I go about setting up a subscription so that several users can still view the report and the subscription can still deliver?

    Thanks for any help/understanding.

  • If you change the data source to use your credentials, then each user which runs any reports which use that data source will impersonate your credentials.

    If you dont want this to happen, you would need to setup the unattended execution account via the SSRS configuration manager which it will use to run the subscriptions.

  • Thanks Antony

    The only issue I suppose then would be if I didn't change my password for the datasource when I change my Windows password, or if I was suddenly off sick or away and my password expired, then no user would be able to view the report.

    Is this the recommended way or would you suggest teh second option?

  • Yes you are correct that if your password expires then the data source will fail to work.

    Personally I would go for the second option, and set it as a user whos password will never expire. That way you still maintain all traceability of who has done what.

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