OS or other permissions in order to install assemblies?

  • I've been trying to install a SAFE assembly which is supplied as a block of hexadecimal bytes.

    I know categorically that it is safe and it installs absolutely fine under local instances of SQL Server, both 2005 & 2008.

    On our shared servers I get the dreaded 6218 error. The only thing I can think of is that these servers us a domain account for the MSSQLSERVER service and that this account does not have suitable permissions to access the .NET framework. The service account is NOT a local administrator.

    Does anyone know of any specific permissions that are necessary to register assemblies?

    I've heard the term "blessed" assemblies but I'm not sure if this is the same thing as the GAC. Do I need specific permissions to reference these assemblies?

  • Which version of the FW are you targeting? Check your SQLCLR assembly's references to make sure those exist on the server.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • I'm trying to install SQLSharp on a SQL2005 server patched up to build 5000.

    I can do it provided I mark all the assemblies as UNSAFE.

    Installing on a SQL2008 server presents no problems with the assemblies in the default install of SAFE.

    The SQL Server service account is in the local admins group. Probably shouldn't be, but that's another story! Anyway my initial thought was that it was some form of permissions issue but I'm clutching at straws.

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