How to convert integer to hours,mins and seconds

  • Hi,

    I have the following integer 80010, All I want to do is convert this to

    08:00:10 so I can use in a DateDiff function.

    Is there a time function which will do this or do I have to resort to breaking the number down and appending the ':'?

    Thanks 🙂

  • Maybe:

    DECLARE @time int, @dt datetime;

    SET @time = 80010;

    SET @dt = DATEADD(second, 80010%100,DATEADD(minute, 80010%10000/100,DATEADD(hour, 80010/10000,'19000101')));

    SELECT @dt

  • Thanks.

    I already have a date in a different column and I trying to calculate the number of minutes worked by an employee on a given date. I have the starttime as 80010 (integer) and endtime as 161500. The result I am looking for is 495 minutes. I believe I can achieve this result if I was able to convert startdate 80010 to 08:00:10 and endate to 16:15:00 and then using the datediff function to get the results in minutes.:-)

  • Why bother with functions?:

    DECLARE @starttime int = 80010

    ,@endtime int = 161500

    SELECT ((@endtime/10000 * 60) + (@endtime%10000/100))

    - ((@starttime/10000 * 60) + (@starttime%10000/100))

  • Thanks:-)

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