Snapshot replication

  • Hi All,

    I have a problem in Replication (Snapshot replication)

    I have two servers . 'A' server( sql 2000 Ver) another is 'B' server (sql 2005 Ver)

    'A' server is is publisher. B is local server subscriber.There is snapshot replication from A to B for one table.

    Data is replicating from 'A' to 'B'.

    In Server 'B', we have a table tbl_main this table is getting data from server 'A' table tbl_main.

    I have a trigger (ins,upd,del) trigger on tbl_main in 'B' server . But this trigger is not firing when replication agent ins/upd/del record on the table.Pls tell me where i am doing the mistake? What is the solution?




  • Snapshot replication get does not ins/upd/del individual rows. It does bcp. By default bcp does not fire triggers.

  • Thank you Suresh for your info.


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