Select Smart query

  • Hello All,

    I looking for a very cleaver query

    I have a field LastName and by users mystake there are some that is having to names over that

    for E.g//

    FisrtName Lastname

    Rafael Narezzi

    That is ok

    My problem is that I want a select to search for all users that is like that

    Fisrtname LastName

    Rafael Rafael Narezzi

    how could I do a select to get all users that have spaces between?


  • you could do a charindex check for a blank space and make sure the number returned is greater than 0. Make sure you trim your input though incase you have white space.

    I think you could also use like '% %' but that should probably be avoided for performance reasons

    i would personally use charindex but would like to see what others say

  • Here are two options you could use:

    --check for first name used as the first part of the last name

    SELECT *

    FROM @tbl

    WHERE LastName LIKE RTRIM(Fisrtname)+' %'

    -- check for a space in LastName (might produce false results, e.g. for Pietro de la Rosa ;-))

    SELECT *

    FROM @tbl

    WHERE CHARINDEX(' ',LastName)>0

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