• Dear Friends,

    I would like to know if somebody can help me. I need to generate the number of weeks in a table, we have projects bigger than 1 year, when I use the DateDiff, its return the weeks but when are in the week 53, its skip the week number 1...

    Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    sSQL = "SELECT Disp.Colaborador Colaborador , "

    numWeek = datediff("ww",startProject,EndProject)

    for i = 0 to numWeek - 1

    weeknumber = datepart("ww", dateadd("ww", i, startProject))

    sSQL = sSQL + " SUM(CASE WHEN DATEPART(ww, Data) = " & weeknumber & " THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) [" & weeknumber & "], "


    sSQL = sSQL + "COUNT(*) [Total] "

    sSQL = sSQL + "FROM [Disponibilidade RH] Disp "

    sSQL = sSQL + "LEFT OUTER JOIN RH ON Disp.Colaborador = RH.Colaborador "

    sSQL = sSQL + "WHERE TIPO = '"& ProjectName &"'"

    sSQL = sSQL + "GROUP by Disp.Colaborador "

    sSQL = sSQL + "ORDER BY Disp.Colaborador "

    Thank u very much

    Flávio Santos

    Lisbon - Portugal

  • Hi Flávio,

    If I understand your problem correctly, when DATEDIFF(WW, StartDate, EndDate) > 52, you experience a rollover? (eg 53 => 1)

    I can't seem to replicate your problem, and perhaps a senior here could help out in telling us why this might be happening to you.

    Else, you might want to consider using:

    (DATEDIFF(YY, StartDate, EndDate) * 52) + DATEDIFF(WW, StartDate, EndDate)

    I don't think that this is the best approach to solving your problem and would really like to see what the seniors have to say.

  • It's the datepart function that's causing you problems, because it's specifically looking at the week within the year. From BOL:

    The week (wk, ww) datepart reflects changes made to SET DATEFIRST. January 1 of any year defines the starting number for the week datepart, for example: DATEPART(wk, 'Jan 1, xxxx') = 1, where xxxx is any year.

    Can't say as I fully understand why you need this broken out in this manner, but if you just returned the datediff instead of the datepart, you'd get your correct numbers above 52.


    DECLARE @start datetime, @end datetime

    SET @start = '1/1/2008'

    SET @end = '2/1/2009'

    SELECT datediff(ww,@start,@end)

    SELECT datepart("ww", dateadd("ww", datediff(ww,@start,@end), @start))

    How best to post your question[/url]
    How to post performance problems[/url]
    Tally Table:What it is and how it replaces a loop[/url]

    "stewsterl 80804 (10/16/2009)I guess when you stop and try to understand the solution provided you not only learn, but save yourself some headaches when you need to make any slight changes."

  • How about something like this:

    with DateCTE as


    select cast('01/01/1998' as datetime) DateValue

    union all

    select DateValue + 1

    from DateCTE

    where DateValue + 1 < '1/1/2016'



    cast(CAST(DateValue AS CHAR(11)) AS DateTime) AS [FullDate],

    DATEPART(wk, DateValue) AS WeekOfYear,

    DATEPART(yy, DateValue) AS CalendarYear

    from DateCTE


    G. Milner

  • Hi DiamondDgm, thanks. I hope somebody help us...

    And I wouldn't like to want this

    (DATEDIFF(YY, StartDate, EndDate) * 52) + DATEDIFF(WW, StartDate, EndDate)


    A Project has startDate = 2009-06-01 and endDate = 2010-01-29

    WeekNumber = 34

    First week = 23

    last week = 4


    Name ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Week-------------------------------------------------------------

    --------------------23--24--25--26--27--28--29- 30--31--32--33--34--35--36---37--38--39--40--41--42--43--44--45--46--47--48--49--50--51---52--53---2--3---4

    ARTUR CARVALHO--- 5---3---5---5---5---5---5---5---5----5---5---5---5---4----5----5---3---0----2---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---4----4----5---4---4---5---5---5

    JIM CARTER--------- 5---3---5---5---5---5---5---5---5----5---5---5---5---4----5----5---3---0----2---5---5---5---5---5---5---5---4----4----5---4---4---5---5---5

  • Hi Everybory,

    I got something like my problem, but I dont know how and if it can help me.

    Thank u very much !

  • Link in English

  • Hi Flavio,

    Based on that article (, it would seem that your error is a result of bug in a VB library.

    Looking closer at your code, you are using a VB function - DATEDIFF (that have the same name in T-SQL). Perhaps you would like to use SQL code to populate your variable?

    numWeek = datediff("ww",startProject,EndProject) ==>


    int numWeek;

    string s_SQL;

    string s_SQL = "SELECT datediff("ww",startProject,EndProject)";

    numWeek = Execute(s_SQL);

    I'm sorry, but I don't know VB syntax so I've written it in a pseudo syntax of sorts.

    Doing this should avoid the bug in Oleaut32.dll, unless SQL Server is making use of this DLL too? I don't know tha answer to that.

    Seniors, please advise if I am making any mistakes here. Thank you.

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