Table Index Store and Create

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Table Index Store and Create

  • thanks.. very good post..

    This for storing all index to table, after storing the informtion to table, how to restore it when i needed? Please let me know the query for restoring the indexes from newly created table data

  • declare @cmd varchar (max)

    Select @cmd= "Create index "+IndexName + "......From tblDBAIdxMetadt

    exec (@cmd)

    You got the idea 🙂 I will post a better Query tomorrow.

  • Thanks for reply.. can we store the relations to the same table and can we restore it?

  • See scripts Truncate all Tables There you will find a script to save and restore the table relationships. Normally you want to keep that kind of data separated from it.

  • Here is a better example of how to restore the indexes :

    If Exists (select distinct




    from tblDBAIdxMetadt

    where IsClustered = 1

    and UniqueType 'PRIMARY KEY'



    declare @IndexName varchar(255)

    ,@SchemaOwner varchar (255)

    ,@TableName varchar (255)

    ,@ColumnList varchar (1000)

    ,@Sqlcmd varchar (2000)

    set @IndexName = ?

    set @SchemaOwner = ?

    set @TableName = ?

    set @ColumnList = ?

    select @sqlcmd = 'CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX '+ltrim(rtrim(@IndexName))+' ON '+ltrim(rtrim(@SchemaOwner))+'.'+ltrim(rtrim(@TableName))+' ( '+ltrim(rtrim(@ColumnList))+' ) WITH (STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY]


    exec (@sqlcmd)


    You can used a cursor or while loop to generated or execute the scripts by filling the information with the ? marks.

  • This will be a way to save relations from a table.

    --Create Table to store constraint information

    IF NOT EXISTS (Select [name] from sys.tables where [name] = 'T_FK_Xref' and type = 'U')

    Create table DatabaseName.dbo.T_FK_Xref (

    ID int identity (1,1),

    ConstraintName varchar (255),

    MasterTable varchar(255),

    MasterColumn varchar(255),

    ChildTable varchar(255),

    ChildColumn varchar(255),

    FKOrder int



    --Store Constraints

    insert into DatabaseName.dbo.T_FK_Xref(ConstraintName,MasterTable,MasterColumn,ChildTable,ChildColumn,FKOrder)

    SELECT object_name(constid) as ConstraintName,object_name(rkeyid) MasterTable

    , MasterColumn

    ,object_name(fkeyid) ChildTable

    , ChildColumn

    ,cast (sf.keyno as int) FKOrder

    FROM sysforeignkeys sf

    INNER JOIN syscolumns sc1 ON sf.fkeyid = AND sf.fkey = sc1.colid

    INNER JOIN syscolumns sc2 ON sf.rkeyid = AND sf.rkey = sc2.colid

    ORDER BY rkeyid,fkeyid,keyno

  • Running the code as is, and adding a tablename from a SQL Server 2005 database, gives the following error:

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 108

    Incorrect syntax near 'end'.

    Any ideas what's wrong. The syntax looks fine. I'm using the SQL Server query editor and selecting the database from the combo box in the menu bar at the top of the editor.



  • Thanks for the script.

  • Iwas Bornready (5/24/2016)

    Thanks for the script.

    Maybe you should see if you can rewrite the script to use the system views instead of the SQL 2000 compatibility views. That would be more worthwhile than just these ridiculous "Thanks for the script" posts of yours to pad your post count.

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