Backup of Standby DB (Transaction logs)

  • I have restored a DB backup image sent to us from our client in Standby mode.

    After I have restored the DB backup image in Standby mode, I restore daily transaction logs that are shipped to me.

    Every month I would like to a backup of this Database so that if something fails, I only have to restore the backup taken at the end of the month rather then catching up on 4-5 months of T-logs.

    What I tried to do is as follows:

    -Restore the DB backup image (sent by client) in Standby Mode for Jan 1/09.

    -Apply T-logs (sent by client) to this Standby Database up until Jan 30/09

    -For the Jan 31 T-log, I applied this against the DB but the option I selected to apply this T-log was in Restore Recovery mode

    -Purpose was to be able to take a backup image.

    -After I took the backup image, I restored the backup image into Standby Mode so that it can accept the Feb 1/09 T-log

    -When I tried to apply the T-log I got the error

    'This backup set cannot be applied because it is on a recovery path that is inconsistent with the database'

    Why is that? Anyone have a workaround?

  • see if this can be of some help!!

    Pradeep Singh

  • By doing that, you have broken the log chain from the source database (client). About the only way I can see around this would be do shut SQL Server down and then make a copy of the mdf/ldf files. Not sure if this will work, but it is worth a try.

  • If I make a copy of the .mdf and .ldf of the StandBy Database and then drop the Standby Databse, how do I restore it?

  • Tried it but no luck..any other ideas?

  • If you have the .mdf and .ldf you can simply attach the database, no restore involved. If it's truly a .bak, then it's restore database.

    -- You can't be late until you show up.

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