Language Setting for a Field (Run Time)

  • Hello all,

    I am trying to set Language setting for a filed in my table dynamically. I have an expression which decides which language should be there for that field depending on the parameter passed...

    Code looks something similar to this.

    =iif(Parameters!Curr_Code.Value="USD","English (United States)", IIF(Parameters!Curr_Code.Value="GBP","English (United Kingdom)", "French"))

    When I run the report and pass "GBP" or "EUR", it gives me USD sign for currency. it is not giving me Pound or Euro sign for this currency field.

    If i set it static: Pound or Euro; then i am able to see Pound and Euro sign, but not the case with an expression.

    Anybody had this issue before?



  • Well,

    I couldn't get any help on this anywhere on web., What I found on the web is, we have to set language property design time only. We can not change it while running the report.

    But, I found an intermediate solution for time being. I created two separate columns in order to hold GBP and EUR currencies and based on parameters I am setting Visible property to True/False and solved my issue right away.

    Thanks for taking your time to read anyway.

    Keep supporting.



  • Hi,

    This is not exactly the same subject, but pretty close...

    I have 6 reports, all of which are identical in meaning, but each in a different language. I need to display the execution time at the top of the report and have been told that using purely number formats is confusing (some countries using dd/MM/yy and some using MM/dd/yy etc).

    It took me a bit of searching before this thread solved my problem - changing the language of the report changes the spelling of the months appropriately.

    Figured this was the place to leave my thanks and information, even if the previous post makes it pretty obvious.



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