Run same SQL or Stored Proc for multiple databases

  • Hi,

    I have a series of SQL that are the same that need to run on multiple databases

    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyLeads WHERE active = 1

    I have 70-100 databases that need to run this same SQL, how can I do this once for all databases.

    The design is very unusual and I just need to figure out how to run the same SQL for multiple databases.


  • I can think of a couple options:

    1) Install SQL Server 2008 client tools, setup a folder and register your servers, then use the multi-script option to open a connection to all instances and run your query.

    2) Install SQL Server 2005/2008 client tools and use SQLCMD and a script file to loop through all servers and run the query.

    3) Install Windows Powershell and use a powershell script to loop through all instances and run the query (using SQLCMD or OSQL).

    4) Use wscript/cscript and SMO

    5) Look at Redgate tools - they have one that allows for running queries on multiple instances.

    6) Other tools like the Redgate tools that allow multi-select queries.

    7) Install SQL Server 2005/2008 and use SSIS to build a package that loops through all instances. This is more of an ETL tool though - but can work very well.

    8) Use DTS to build a package

    There are probably more - but I think that will get you started. Which one you choose will really depend on how often this needs to be done and whether or not it needs to be automated.

    Jeffrey Williams
    “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”

    ― Charles R. Swindoll

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  • Hi,

    try this


    SELECT name FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE dbid > 4

    OPEN AllDatabases

    DECLARE @DBNameVar NVARCHAR(128),@Statement NVARCHAR(300)

    FETCH NEXT FROM AllDatabases INTO @DBNameVar




    SET @Statement = N'USE ' + @DBNameVar + CHAR(13)

    + N'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyLeads WHERE active = 1'

    EXEC sp_executesql @Statement

    PRINT CHAR(13) + CHAR(13)

    FETCH NEXT FROM AllDatabases INTO @DBNameVar


    CLOSE AllDatabases

    DEALLOCATE AllDatabases


  • Unfortunately this is on a SQL Server 2000 environment. However I'll definitely give the cursor option a try.

    Thank You very much

  • I'm running SQl Server 2000 and I get the following error message:

    Msg 402, Level 16, State 1, Line 12

    The data types nvarchar and ntext are incompatible in the add operator.

    I changed the SET @Statement to my sql script, which is a much larger file.

  • Hi,

    Try this function to loop through all databases

    --This query will return a listing of all tables in all databases on a SQL instance:

    DECLARE @command varchar(1000)

    SELECT @command = 'USE ? SELECT name FROM mycustomtable WHERE name = ''Foo'' ORDER BY name'

    EXEC sp_MSforeachdb @command

    This will run the SQL command for each database containing mycustomtable.

    Hope this helps.

  • you can do the following:

    use master

    declare @dbname varchar(100)

    ,@sql varchar(max)

    create table #TempDBs (

    dbname nvarchar(100)

    , RecordCount int


    declare db_cur cursor for

    SELECT name

    FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases where dbid>4

    open db_cur

    fetch next from db_cur into @dbname

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    set @sql='insert into #TempDbs(




    select '''+@dbname+''' DbName, COUNT(*) count FROM '+@dbname+'.dbo.MyLeads WHERE active = 1'


    fetch next from db_cur into @dbname


    close db_cur

    deallocate db_cur

    select * from #TempDBs order by DbName

    drop table #TempDBs

    To make the results cleaner, I inserted into a temp table, then queried the temp table.

  • exec sp_MSforeachdb @command1 = 'use [?]; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyLeads WHERE active = 1'

    I Have Nine Lives You Have One Only

  • Create "sp_" procedure in master database.

    Put your code in there.

    Then use handkot's approach to execute that procedure for each database.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Thanks Everyone!!

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