Creating Index on the subcription database tables

  • Hi All, We have Transaction Replication pull subscription setup between our production server and our reporting database. The indexes on the Publication table are not copied to the subscription tables. only the index from the primary key is create on the subscriber tables. we have performance issues in the subscription database since there are no indexes. can i create indexes on the subscription database to improve the performance of some of the stored procedure in the subscription database. will it break the Transaction Replication. Also can you please let me know if there is away that I can copy the indexes also from the publication database.

    Thanks in Advance. Rembersu

  • When you create the articles in the publication, you can choose from a number of options which control how your tables and indexes are created on the subscribers. One of those options is whether indexes are created. When using Management Studio, these options are shown when you click on the "Article Properties" button.

    You may create any indexes you need on the subscriber. It is common for databases that are intended for reporting purposes to have different indexes to the publisher. Provided you don't create an index that conflicts with the publisher (e.g. a unique constraint that doesn't exist on the published), you can can create pretty mush any index you like.

  • What will happen when we run Rebuild Indexes on Primary Database will it replicate it to Subscriber? or we need extra maintenance plan for Subscriber Database?

    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

  • Thank you, Will there be any performance issue for the Transaction Replication since i have indexes created on the Subscriber tables Please advise.

    Thanks in Advance


  • Database maintenance activities are not replicated. If/when you need to rebuild indexes, you must do this on both databases.

    As for the performance impact of having indexes on your replica, the short answer is "Yes, any index will have impact on the performance of INSERTs, UPDATEs and DELETEs". The real question is whether the impact on those commands is significantly less than the performance benefit you gain for other queries by having those indexes in place. You may need to test/quantify the impact each index has on your system.

  • Thank you ,



  • Thank you, happycat59 for Clarification 🙂

    "Thare are only 10 types of people in the world:
    Those who understand binary, and those who don't."

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