How to insert missing periods ?

  • Hi,

    I am trying to setup some data in this case open sales orders showing open all orders by period.

    Collecting the data is the easy part but what I am missing is the periods in between.

    For example if I have a sales order setup in Period 200801 with the goods shipped out in 200804 I have records for periods 200801 and 200804.

    How can I include records for periods 200802 and 200803 in my collection ?

    Note this would need to be done for each and every sales order found in the collection.

    Thanks in Advance.

  • You could left join with a table of all periods, including 0s for NULLs (CASE or ISNULL).

    Or you could "populate" 0 orders with the missing periods.

  • I am thinking we need more information, tabble DDL (create statements), sample data (insert statements that can cut, paste, and run in SSMS), expected results based on the sample data, and what code you currently have done.


  • The T-SQL code is as follows, Still work in progress so bit messy.

    Declare @StartDate13 datetime, @EndDate datetime

    select @StartDate13 = dateadd(mm,datediff(mm,0,DateAdd (mm,-13,getdate())),0)

    select @EndDate = DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,getdate()), 0)-1

    print @EndDate

    print @StartDate13

    Declare @period1 varchar(6)

    Select @period1 = year(dateadd(month,-13,getdate())) *100 + month(dateadd(month,-13,getdate()))

    Declare @counter int

    Declare @SOKEY int

    DEclare @ITEMID varchar(30)

    Declare @SOLINEKEY int

    Declare @DESC varchar(40)

    Declare @SOSUM Table



    [SOLINEKEY] int,

    [ITEM] varchar(30),

    [DESC] varchar(40),

    [QTYORD] Decimal(16,8),

    [QTYSHIPPED] Decimal (16,8),

    [PERIOD] varchar(6)


    Declare @SOSUMPeriod Table



    [SOLINEKEY] int,

    [ITEM] varchar(30),

    [DESC] varchar(40),

    [QTYORD] Decimal(16,8),

    [QTYSHIPPED] Decimal (16,8),

    [BALANCE] Decimal (16,8),

    [PERIOD] varchar(6)


    Declare @SOBalPeriod Table



    [SOLINEKEY] int,

    [ITEM] varchar(30),

    [DESC] varchar(40),

    [QTYORD] Decimal(16,8),

    [QTYSHIPPED] Decimal (16,8),

    [BALANCE] Decimal (16,8),

    [PERIOD] varchar(6)


    /* Add the Sales Orders Created within date range

    (This is seperate to ensure we have open order balance and that we

    do not miss orders that have no shipments*/

    Insert into @SOSUM

    Select SO.SoKey, SL.SoLineKey, IM.ItemID, SL.Description, SD.QtyOrd, 0, year(SO.createdate)*100 + month(SO.createdate) from dbo.tsoSalesOrder as SO

    left outer join dbo.tsoSOLine as SL on SL.Sokey = SO.Sokey

    left outer join dbo.tsoSOLineDist as SD on SL.SOLineKey = SD.SoLineKey

    left outer join dbo.timItem as IM on IM.ItemKey = SL.ItemKey

    where SO.CompanyId = 'USA' and So.CreateDate >= @StartDate13 and So.CreateDate <= @EndDate

    and SL.SOLinekey is not null

    /* Add the Sales Order Shipments Created within Date Range */

    Insert into @SOSUM

    Select SO.SoKey, SL.SoLineKey, IM.ItemID, SL.Description, 0, SLD.QtyShipped, year(SHL.Shipdate)*100 + month(SHL.Shipdate) from dbo.tsoSalesOrder as SO

    left outer join dbo.tsoSOLine as SL on SL.Sokey = SO.Sokey

    left outer join dbo.tsoSOLineDist as SD on SL.SOLineKey = SD.SoLineKey

    left outer join dbo.tsoShipLineDist as SLD on SD.SOLineDistKey = SLD.SOLineDistKey

    left outer join dbo.tsoShipLine as SHL on SLD.ShipLineKey = SHL.ShipLineKey

    left outer join dbo.timItem as IM on IM.ItemKey = SL.ItemKey

    where SO.CompanyId = 'USA' and So.CreateDate >= @StartDate13 and So.CreateDate <= @EndDate

    and SLD.QTYShipped is not null

    --select ss.*,SO.Tranid from @SOSUM as SS

    --left outer join dbo.tsoSalesOrder as SO on SS.Sokey = So.SOKEY

    --order by SS.sokey

    /* Reduce down to one transaction per period/Sales Line */

    Insert into @SOSUMPeriod

    Select SOKey, SOLINEKEY,ITEM,[DESC],sum(QtyOrd), Sum(QtyShipped),

    (Select sum(QtyOrd) - Sum(QTyShipped) from @SOSUM as xSS

    where xSS.SOLINEKEY = SS.SOLineKey and xSS.Period <= SS.Period),


    from @SOSUM as SS


    Select * from @SOSUMPeriod

    where SOKey = 14023 -- Limit to one order for testing

    REsult Set


    1402323012ECL-2055 "PANDROL" CLIPS - E2055600100.0000000 0.00000000600100.00000000200802

    1402323012ECL-2055 "PANDROL" CLIPS - E20550.0000000050000.00000000550100.00000000200803

    1402323012ECL-2055 "PANDROL" CLIPS - E20550.0000000025000.00000000525100.00000000200805

    1402323012ECL-2055 "PANDROL" CLIPS - E20550.0000000050000.00000000475100.00000000200806

    1402323012ECL-2055 "PANDROL" CLIPS - E20550.0000000025000.00000000450100.00000000200807

    I woud like to create extra entries in here for period 200801, 200804, 200808

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