Get date last modified for file

  • Hi,

    I am currently working on a stored procedure to bulk insert a file into a database. However I only want to perform the insert when the file has been updated (by looking at when it was last modified). I have been looking around to see if you can get the file details and store that into a temp table and the closest I have got is:

    CREATE TABLE #directory_scavenge2(

    [path_name] [varchar](255) NULL,

    [depth] [int] NOT NULL,

    [file_or_dir] [int] NOT NULL,

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    INSERT INTO #directory_scavenge2

    execute Master..xp_dirtree 'C:\LogLoader\' , 1 , 1

    However, this does not tell me when the file was last modified.

    Do any of you know how this can be found?



  • I used xp_getfiledetails for this in SQL 2000. It's not included in SQL 2005, but a couple of guys have created CLR replacements:

    I haven't tried either of them yet.


  • Hi, yes I am using SQL server 2005.

    Is there any other way of getting these details (without using a CLR). Or is this the only solution?

  • Sam (5/6/2008)

    Hi, yes I am using SQL server 2005.

    Is there any other way of getting these details (without using a CLR). Or is this the only solution?


    Try the below piece of code, this might help you!!!

    if exists(select 1 from tempdb..sysobjects where name='##tmp')

    drop table ##tmp

    create table ##tmp(mdate varchar(8000))

    insert ##tmp

    exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dir g:\mymail.pst' -- Provide the correct filename with path

    set rowcount 5

    delete from ##tmp

    set rowcount 0

    select top(1) substring(mdate,1,20) as 'Last modified date' from ##tmp

    Before executing the script make sure to change the filename with path in the query above!!!

  • sp_OACREATE and use the filesystem object to snag things.

    Parse an xp_cmdshell 'dir' result set.

    Or even write a VBScript that can get the infromation and insert it into your table (I'd probably do this).

  • I'm using the following sp on SQL Server 2005:

    create procedure [dbo].[get_file_info](

    @file_name varchar(255)

    ,@file_date datetime output

    ,@file_size bigint output

    ) AS


    declare @dir table(id int identity primary key, dl varchar(255))

    declare @cmd_name varchar(255),@fdate datetime,@fsize bigint, @fn varchar(255)

    set @fn=right(@file_name,charindex('\',reverse(@file_name))-1)

    set @cmd_name='dir /-C '+@file_name

    exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;


    exec sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',1;


    insert @dir

    exec master..xp_cmdshell @cmd_name

    exec sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',0;


    exec sp_configure 'show advanced options', 0;


    select @file_date=cast(ltrim(left(dl,charindex(' ',dl))) as datetime)

    ,@file_size=cast(replace(substring(dl,charindex(' ',dl),255),@fn,'') as bigint)

    from @dir where dl like '%'+@fn+'%'


  • Thanks so much for posting this (even though it was a long time ago!) I've been searching for a solution to getting the date created for a file all day. This worked perfectly.


  • If you want to store the date of vidhya sagar query into a variable you would run this code.

    DECLARE @DateInserted DATETIME

    SET @DateInserted = CONVERT(DATETIME, (SELECT TOP(1) SUBSTRING(mdate,1,20) FROM ##tmp))

    Thanks for all your help

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