Audit listing of Select Statements

  • I'm looking for a method for monitoring/auditing browsing.

    I'm aware of Lumigent, but after reviewing the hooks that it needs into the database/network I'd like to find a simpler alternative.

    Is there a 'simple' way to output a listing of Select statements in SQL Server -- not the results returned - just the Select statement?


  • I don't know if you will consider this "easy" but SQL Server Profiler should do the trick. Look for the event class 'TSQL'


  • You could enable C2 auditing. C2 auditing can be detrimental to performance and is not always 100% accurate, but it provides a very robust method for tracking access to SMOs. The output file can be launched via profiler and is quite legible.

    more info:

  • Take care - C2 Auditing seemed to cause my server to crash.

    Disabled it and no crashes since (6 months).

  • Take care - C2 Auditing seemed to cause my server to crash.

    C2 Auditing is handled through trace events. I prefer to use customized trace (store them to a file.)

    You can automate it.

    Profiler has UI, trace doesn't have one, other than that fucntionality wise you will capture the sme information.

    Prithiviraj Kulasingham

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