How to return non-grouped items from a GROUP BY statement?

  • Hi all

    I have the following data in table MyTrans:

    Account           Date                  Amount            RecID
    100000           15/02/2018       100.00             1
    100000           25/02/2018       150.00             2
    100000           25/02/2018       50.00               3
    100002           15/02/2018       200.00             4
    100002           15/02/2018       1500.00           5
    100002           15/02/2018       -250.00            6
    100002           25/02/2018       145.00             7
    100002           25/02/2018       -145.00            8
    100002           01/03/2018       -25.00              9
    100003           01/03/2018       1950.00           10

    See below SQL to create this table:

    create table #MyTrans
      Account nvarchar(6),
      Date datetime,
        Amount numeric(18,2),
        RecID varchar(2)

    INSERT INTO #MyTrans(Account, Date, Amount, RecID) values

    I want to return only those records where the total per Account and then per Date, is greater than 0, eg for the above dataset I want to return:

    Account           Date                  Amount            RecID
    100000           15/02/2018       100.00             1
    100000           25/02/2018       150.00             2
    100000           25/02/2018       50.00               3
    100002           15/02/2018       200.00             4
    100002           15/02/2018       1500.00           5
    100002           15/02/2018       -250.00            6
    100003           01/03/2018       1950.00           10

    My query is currently as follows:

    Select Account, Date, sum(Amount) as Amount, RecID
    From #MyTrans
    group by Account, Date
    Having sum(Amount)>0

    However, I cannot do it this way as the RecID column is not in the Group By statement, even though I dont want to grouo by this column. I am unsure how I can return the RecID and have the group by statement not group on this column. Does anyone have any ideas?

    Cheers for all help

  • WITH Grouped AS (
        ,    Date
        ,    SUM(Amount) OVER (PARTITION BY Account, Date) AS Amount
        ,    RecID
        FROM #MyTrans
    ,    Date
    ,    Amount
    ,    RecID
    FROM Grouped
    WHERE Amount > 0


  • Thanks John, thats brill!

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