• Is there a way in SSRS to convert a delimited list to a series of "AND EXISTS()" subqueries? In SSRS, it's really easy to use a multi-valued parameter with IN() to filter the results returned.  The same result can be obtained using DelimitedSplit8K and IN().  But is it possible to OR the results instead without resorting to dynamic SQL? Here's a quick example (yes, I know the Candidate table isn't terribly realistic!)

    CREATE TABLE Candidate(
        CandidateID INT IDENTITY,
        FirstName VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL
    CONSTRAINT pkCandidate PRIMARY KEY (CandidateID),
    CONSTRAINT    uqFirstName UNIQUE (FirstName));

    CREATE TABLE CandidateSkills(
        SCandidateID INT,
        Skill VARCHAR(10)
    CONSTRAINT pkCS PRIMARY KEY (ScandidateID, Skill),
    CONSTRAINT fkCandidate FOREIGN KEY (SCandidateID) REFERENCES Candidate(CandidateID));

    INSERT INTO Candidate(FirstName) VALUES ('John'),('Jane'),('Robert');

    INSERT INTO CandidateSkills(SCandidateID,Skill)
    VALUES (1,'.Net'),(1,'C#'),(2,'C#'),(3,'BA');

    I can get all Candidates with both @Skill1 and @Skill2, but ... what if I have an undetermined number of skills? (use a table-valued parameter?)
    but how would I modify this to use EXISTS, because I want to AND the values together, and not OR them (which is what IN() does).  Would I have to pass a delimited string, split it, and then build the series of EXISTS subqueries (meaning do a lot of dynamic SQL)?

    DECLARE @Skill1 VARCHAR(10) = 'C#',
          @Skill2 VARCHAR(10) = '.Net';
    SELECT *
    FROM Candidate c
                    SELECT 1
                    FROM CandidateSkills cs
                    WHERE cs.SCandidateID = c.CandidateID
                    AND cs.Skill= @Skill1 )
                    SELECT 1
                    FROM CandidateSkills cs
                    WHERE cs.SCandidateID = c.CandidateID
                    AND cs.Skill=@Skill2 )

  • Exercised my Google-fu... Relational division, anybody?

  • Here's an idea...

    USE tempdb;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.Skill', 'U') IS NULL
    BEGIN -- DROP TABLE tempdb.dbo.Skill;
        CREATE TABLE tempdb.dbo.Skill (
            skill_id INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1),
            skill_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL
            CONSTRAINT pk_Skill PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (skill_id),
            CONSTRAINT uq_Skill_skillname UNIQUE (skill_name)

        INSERT tempdb.dbo.Skill (skill_name) VALUES ('C#'), ('.net'), ('C++'), ('T-SQL'), ('PL SQL');

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.Candidate', 'U') IS NULL
    BEGIN -- DROP TABLE tempdb.dbo.Candidate;
        CREATE TABLE tempdb.dbo.Candidate (
            candidate_id INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1),
            first_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
            last_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
            CONSTRAINT pk_Candidate PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (candidate_id)

        INSERT tempdb.dbo.Candidate (first_name, last_name) VALUES
            ('Bob', 'Jones'), ('Mary', 'Baxter'), ('Kevin', 'Hall'), ('John', 'Doe'),
            ('Alison', 'Chains'), ('Molly', 'Hatchet'), ('Maxwell', 'House'), ('Red', 'Fox');

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.CandidateSkills', 'U') IS NULL
    BEGIN -- DROP TABLE tempdb.dbo.CandidateSkills;
        CREATE TABLE tempdb.dbo.CandidateSkills (
            candidate_id INT NOT NULL,
            skill_id INT NOT NULL,
            proficiency_level INT NOT NULL
                CONSTRAINT ck_CandidateSkills_proficiencylevel CHECK (proficiency_level BETWEEN 1 AND 5),
            CONSTRAINT pk_CandidateSkills PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (candidate_id, skill_id)

        INSERT tempdb.dbo.CandidateSkills (candidate_id, skill_id, proficiency_level) VALUES
            (1, 1, 3), (1, 2, 2), (1, 5, 4), (2, 1, 4), (2, 3, 2), (2, 4, 1),
            (3, 4, 5), (3, 1, 1), (4, 5, 5), (5, 1, 2), (5, 2, 2), (5, 3, 3),
            (5, 4, 1), (5, 5, 2), (6, 2, 4), (6, 4, 4), (7, 1, 3), (7, 3, 3),
            (6, 5, 2), (7, 5, 5), (8, 1, 4), (8, 4, 4);

    --SELECT * FROM dbo.Candidate c;
    --SELECT * FROM dbo.Skill s;
    --SELECT * FROM dbo.CandidateSkills cs;


        @skill1 INT = 1,
        @skill2 INT = 2;

        cte_required_skills AS (
                ( VALUES (@skill1), (@skill2) ) s (skill_id)
        cte_cs_eval AS (
                skill_count = COUNT(1) OVER (PARTITION BY cs.candidate_id),
                total_proficiency = SUM(cs.proficiency_level) OVER (PARTITION BY cs.candidate_id)
                cte_required_skills rs
                JOIN dbo.CandidateSkills cs
                    ON rs.skill_id = cs.skill_id
        cte_cs_eval ce
        JOIN dbo.Candidate c
            ON ce.candidate_id = c.candidate_id
        JOIN dbo.Skill s
            ON ce.skill_id = s.skill_id
        ce.skill_count = 2  --<< number of required skills.
        ce.total_proficiency DESC;

  • Jason,
    Wow. I'll take a while to get my head around all this. Say I'm using SSRS as a front end to this - Essentially "Show me all candidates that have this list of skills" In SSRS, I can make the skill list a multi-select, so how would that part work? I can get a count of items selected really easily, so I can pass a value instead of a hard-coded 2. Or is this now an SSRS question?

  • Basically this:

    SELECT SCandidateID
    FROM dbo.CandidateSkills
    WHERE Skill IN (@ssrs_skill_param)
    GROUP BY SCandidateID
    HAVING COUNT(*) = <number_of_values_in_skill_param>

    But not sure how in SSRS to get a count of the values passed in.  I can't remember if SSRS gives you a variable/property that equates to count or not.

    Worst case, I would think you'd be able to do something like below, getting the total from the Skills "master" table:

    HAVING COUNT(*) = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.Skills WHERE Skill IN (@ssrs_skill_param))

    Of course you can't use the CandidateSkills for that part, because it's possible a skill would be entered that no Candidate had, and you don't want it to drop out of the total.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) A socialist is someone who will give you the shirt off *someone else's* back.

  • Oh, super handy! Thanks for asking... I was playing with the SSRS end of this... Getting the count of selected values is easy in SSRS. It's the passing that back to SQL Server that could be an issue.

    return list of comma-separated values: JOIN(Parameters!Invoices.Value,",")
    return a count of items selected: Parameters!Invoices.Count

    Just wonder if I can pass them back to the stored procedure now.. (do I need a TVP?, or can I do it an easier way?)

  • Maybe this is a simpler solution:

    SELECT *
    FROM dbo.Candidate AS c
    WHERE c.candidate_id NOT IN(
            SELECT c.candidate_id
            FROM dbo.Candidate AS c
            CROSS JOIN dbo.Skill AS s
            LEFT JOIN dbo.CandidateSkills AS cs ON c.candidate_id = cs.candidate_id AND s.skill_id = cs.skill_id
            WHERE cs.candidate_id IS NULL);

    It could be used with an additional condition to get specific skills

    SELECT *
    FROM dbo.Candidate AS c
            SELECT 1
            FROM dbo.Candidate AS ci
            CROSS JOIN dbo.Skill AS s
            LEFT JOIN dbo.CandidateSkills AS cs ON ci.candidate_id = cs.candidate_id AND s.skill_id = cs.skill_id
            WHERE cs.candidate_id IS NULL
            AND ci.candidate_id = c.candidate_id
            AND s.skill_id IN(1,2,4)); --This could use a multiple valued parameter from SSRS

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • pietlinden - Thursday, February 8, 2018 10:56 AM

    Wow. I'll take a while to get my head around all this. Say I'm using SSRS as a front end to this - Essentially "Show me all candidates that have this list of skills" In SSRS, I can make the skill list a multi-select, so how would that part work? I can get a count of items selected really easily, so I can pass a value instead of a hard-coded 2. Or is this now an SSRS question?

    I was wandering about that... In any case, it only requires a minor change to the code (see below). In your OP you mentioned DelimitedSplit8K so I won't go into details about it or where to get it.
    There are only 3, very simple,changes that need to be made...
    #1 use a single CSV parameter rather than separate parameters.
    #2 in the 1st CTE, split the SSV parameter with the help of DelimitedSplit8K.
    #3 in the WHERE clause, use "LEN(@_mv_skill_param) - LEN(REPLACE(@_mv_skill_param, ',', '')) + 1" to determine the number of elements in the CSV
    ... super easy...

    USE tempdb;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.Skill', 'U') IS NULL
    BEGIN -- DROP TABLE tempdb.dbo.Skill;
      CREATE TABLE tempdb.dbo.Skill (
       skill_id INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1),
       skill_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL
       CONSTRAINT pk_Skill PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (skill_id),
       CONSTRAINT uq_Skill_skillname UNIQUE (skill_name)

      INSERT tempdb.dbo.Skill (skill_name) VALUES ('C#'), ('.net'), ('C++'), ('T-SQL'), ('PL SQL');

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.Candidate', 'U') IS NULL
    BEGIN -- DROP TABLE tempdb.dbo.Candidate;
      CREATE TABLE tempdb.dbo.Candidate (
       candidate_id INT NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1),
       first_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
       last_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
       CONSTRAINT pk_Candidate PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (candidate_id)

      INSERT tempdb.dbo.Candidate (first_name, last_name) VALUES
       ('Bob', 'Jones'), ('Mary', 'Baxter'), ('Kevin', 'Hall'), ('John', 'Doe'),
       ('Alison', 'Chains'), ('Molly', 'Hatchet'), ('Maxwell', 'House'), ('Red', 'Fox');

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.CandidateSkills', 'U') IS NULL
    BEGIN -- DROP TABLE tempdb.dbo.CandidateSkills;
      CREATE TABLE tempdb.dbo.CandidateSkills (
       candidate_id INT NOT NULL,
       skill_id INT NOT NULL,
       proficiency_level INT NOT NULL
        CONSTRAINT ck_CandidateSkills_proficiencylevel CHECK (proficiency_level BETWEEN 1 AND 5),
       CONSTRAINT pk_CandidateSkills PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (candidate_id, skill_id)

      INSERT tempdb.dbo.CandidateSkills (candidate_id, skill_id, proficiency_level) VALUES
       (1, 1, 3), (1, 2, 2), (1, 5, 4), (2, 1, 4), (2, 3, 2), (2, 4, 1),
       (3, 4, 5), (3, 1, 1), (4, 5, 5), (5, 1, 2), (5, 2, 2), (5, 3, 3),
       (5, 4, 1), (5, 5, 2), (6, 2, 4), (6, 4, 4), (7, 1, 3), (7, 3, 3),
       (6, 5, 2), (7, 5, 5), (8, 1, 4), (8, 4, 4);

    --SELECT * FROM dbo.Candidate c;
    --SELECT * FROM dbo.Skill s;
    --SELECT * FROM dbo.CandidateSkills cs;


      @_mv_skill_param VARCHAR(8000) = '1,3,4';    --<< using a single CSV parameter... compatible with SSRS MV parameter output.

      cte_required_skills AS (
             skill_id = ds.Item
                dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(@_mv_skill_param, ',') ds
      cte_cs_eval AS (
        skill_count = COUNT(1) OVER (PARTITION BY cs.candidate_id),
        total_proficiency = SUM(cs.proficiency_level) OVER (PARTITION BY cs.candidate_id)
        cte_required_skills rs
        JOIN dbo.CandidateSkills cs
          ON rs.skill_id = cs.skill_id
      cte_cs_eval ce
      JOIN dbo.Candidate c
       ON ce.candidate_id = c.candidate_id
      JOIN dbo.Skill s
       ON ce.skill_id = s.skill_id
      ce.skill_count = LEN(@_mv_skill_param) - LEN(REPLACE(@_mv_skill_param, ',', '')) + 1    --<< counts the delimiters and then adds 1
      ce.total_proficiency DESC;


  • Super cool, Luis! Many graces!
    This worked:
    SELECT   candidate_id, first_name, last_name
    FROM    Candidate AS c
              (SELECT   1 AS Expr1
               FROM    Candidate AS ci CROSS JOIN
                       Skill AS s LEFT OUTER JOIN
                       CandidateSkills AS cs ON ci.candidate_id = cs.candidate_id AND s.skill_id = cs.skill_id
               WHERE   (cs.candidate_id IS NULL) AND (ci.candidate_id = c.candidate_id) AND (s.skill_id IN (@prmSkills))))

    Then the parameter, @prmSkills is multi-valued -
    SELECT   skill_id, skill_name
    FROM    Skill
    ORDER BY skill_name

    Works a champ!

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