Store inventory/Liquidations and purchases

  • Hello All,

    See code and desired results below.

    Given a groups of stores one of which is deemed the model I would like to compare all the non-model stores against the the model and identify any inventory actions needed which would make the inventory of all stores consistent.


    Desired results


    Liquidate,East, 4


    Liquidate,West, 5

    Liquidate,West, 6


    CREATE TABLE #Stores


    StoreID VARCHAR(8)


    INSERT INTO #Stores

    SELECT 'North' UNION

    SELECT 'South' UNION


    SELECT 'West'

    CREATE TABLE #StoreInventory


    StoreID VARCHAR(8),

    ProductID int


    INSERT INTO #StoreInventory


    SELECT 'North', 1 UNION

    SELECT 'North', 2 UNION

    SELECT 'North', 3 UNION


    SELECT 'South', 1 UNION

    SELECT 'South', 2 UNION


    SELECT 'East', 1 UNION

    SELECT 'East', 2 UNION

    SELECT 'East', 3 UNION

    SELECT 'East', 4 UNION


    SELECT 'West', 2 UNION

    SELECT 'West', 3 UNION

    SELECT 'West', 4 UNION

    SELECT 'West', 5 UNION

    SELECT 'West', 6

    DECLARE @ModelStore VARCHAR(8)

    SET @ModelStore = 'North'

    --SELECT * FROM #Stores

    --SELECT * FROM #StoreInventory

    SELECT *

    FROM #StoreInventory


    StoreID <> @ModelStore

    DROP TABLE #Stores

    DROP TABLE #StoreInventory

  • Shouldn't the desired results be as follows?


    Liquidate,East, 4



    Liquidate,West, 5

    Liquidate,West, 6

  • DECLARE @ModelStore VARCHAR(8)

    SET @ModelStore = 'North'

    ;with nonmodelStores as (select storeID from #Stores where StoreID<>@ModelStore),

    nonmodelinv as (select storeID, productID from #StoreInventory where StoreID<>@ModelStore),

    modelinv as (select storeID, productID from #StoreInventory where StoreID=@ModelStore),

    IdealizedInv as (select nms.storeid,mi.productID from modelinv mi cross join nonmodelStores nms)


    select storeid,productID, 'purchase' actionname from IdealizedInv


    select storeid,productID, 'purchase' actionname from nonmodelinv)



    select storeid,productID, 'liquidate' actionname from nonmodelinv


    select storeid,productID, 'liquidate' actionname from IdealizedInv)

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Thanks Matt. I'm studying your solution.

    Sorry about the incorrect desired results as Douglas H pointed out.

  • Sure - just fire on back if you have questions.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

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