Installation - Create a new report server database

  • I am configuring Reporting Services 2008 R2

    and I am following the instructions from my predecessor.

    In the SSRS Configuration Manager, I am supposed to Select the "Change Database" and Create a new report server database.

    My question is why would I create a new report server database instead of using the one installed during the installation process? I've searched for the advantage NOT using the reportserver and reportservertempdb.

    Thanks for information on the advantage of changing the report server database.

  • If you had the wizard configure SSRS for you, you're all set. Are you using thee installation to learn or to work? If it's for work, they may have a configuration script you can use.

  • I am setting it up for work.

    I am creating a new SSRS Server and I plan to replicate the production database to this server and then run reports on this server.

    My predecessor DBA set up the original SSRS on the same server as our application database, and in his instructions, he changes the report server database to APPLICATION_ReportServer. What are the advantages of changing the Report Server Database?


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