Converting from table with varbinary to Filetable

  • I have a very large database running in a production environment. The backup files are getting to be very difficult to manage. They are at 70gb as of now and growing at a rate of 10gb per month. This is due to document images being stored in the database in one table. I have read a little about a new feature in SQL Server 2012 called Filetables. Does anyone know if we migrate to SQL Server 2012 and convert to the filetable structure, will this decrease the size of the backups? Would backup of the document images be taken care of by our nightly file system backups now? This may be worth the upgrade to SQL Server 2012.

  • I have not tried FileTables, as yet. I just googled for it, and the technet article says that the technology is built on FileStream. I do know that the FileStream data is included in the backups. So I would guess that your backup size will not go down significantly. Testing would prove this out, of course.

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