replacing numbers with strings using PATINDEX

  • Hi

    I am migrating data from a legacy system to a new system. I am trying to replace legacy client id with the new client ids.

    create table sampleclient

    (clientid int,

    clientcode varchar(10))

    INSERT sampleclient VALUES

    (1, 'ABCD'),

    (2, 'EFGH'),

    (3, '3RETS'),

    (4, 'T6UY');

    I am trying to create a function where i can pass in a string with the old client id and return the new clientcode.

    select dbo.ReplaceClientIDwithClientcode('ActiveMaster.Fields("ClientID").Value = 1')

    I am expecting the output to be

    ActiveMaster.Fields("ClientID").Value = 'ABCD'

    Some of the input strings are bit complex.

    ActiveMaster.Fields("ClientID").Value <> 356 and ActiveMaster.Fields("ClientID").Value <> 481 and ActiveMaster.Fields("ClientID").Value <> 17 and ActiveMaster.Fields("ClientID").Value <> 1775

    Here is the code i have so far.


    @clientid varchar(100),

    @clientcode varchar(100),

    @string varchar(3000),

    @start int,

    @end int,

    @len int

    SET @string = 'ActiveMaster.Fields("ClientID").Value <> 356 and ActiveMaster.Fields("ClientID").Value <> 481 and ActiveMaster.Fields("ClientID").Value <> 17 and ActiveMaster.Fields("ClientID").Value <> 1775'

    while PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',@string) > 0


    set @len = len(@string)

    set @start = PATINDEX('%[0-9]%',@string)

    --print 'start of first number ' + cast (@start as varchar(1000))

    --print substring(@string, @start, @len)

    set @end = PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%',substring(@string, @start, @len))-1

    --print @end

    if @end = -1


    set @clientid = substring(@string, @start, @len)




    set @clientid = substring(@string, @start, @end)


    print @clientid

    set @clientcode = (select clientcode from clients where ClientID = @clientid)

    print @clientcode

    set @string = REPLACE(@string, @clientid ,''''+ @clientcode + '''')

    --set @loopbreaker = @loopbreaker +1

    --if @loopbreaker = 10



    print @string

    The problem i am facing is that the client code which replaces the client id also contains numbers. My loop finds the number again and chops up the client code.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

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