• Experiencing a DQS error whilst running an SSIS package with a DQS component. I have created a DQS knowledge which is accessed by the DQS component. When the package is run from SQL Server agent we get the following error:

    DFT_ProcessWorkData:Error: Microsoft.Ssdqs.Infra.Exceptions.EntryPointException: The Knowledge Base does not exist [Id : 1030017].

    at Microsoft.Ssdqs.Proxy.Database.DBAccessClient.Exec()

    at Microsoft.Ssdqs.Proxy.EntryPoint.KnowledgebaseManagementEntryPointClient.DQProjectGetById(Int64 id)

    at Microsoft.Ssdqs.Component.DataCorrection.Logic.DataCorrectionComponent.PostExecute()

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostPostExecute(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper100 wrapper)

    DFT_ProcessWorkData:Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    at Microsoft.Ssdqs.Component.DataCorrection.Logic.DataCorrectionComponent.ProcessChunk(ReadOnlyCollection`1 fieldMappings, ReadOnlyCollection`1 records, CorrectedRecordsStatusStatistics& correctedRecordsTotalStatusStatistics)

    at Microsoft.Ssdqs.Component.DataCorrection.Logic.DataCorrectionComponent.ProcessInput(Int32 inputID, PipelineBuffer buffer)

    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostProcessInput(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper100 wrapper, Int32 inputID, IDTSBuffer100 pDTSBuffer, IntPtr bufferWirePacket)

    DFT_ProcessWorkData:Error: An unexpected error occurred in the DQS infrastructure.

    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    at Microsoft.Ssdqs.Component.DataCorrection.Logic.DataCorrectionComponent.ProcessChunk(ReadOnlyCollection`1 fieldMappings, ReadOnlyCollection`1 records, CorrectedRecordsStatusStatistics& correctedRecordsTotalStatusStatistics)

    When the packages were run on our development server they ran fine. The same packages were then deployed to our RTE environment. DQS was also installed on our RTE environment. SQL Jobs were then scheduled to run the packages. The jobs failed giving the above error. I ran the package from visual studio and the package ran successfully. This led me to believe it was a rights issue. I therefore changed the credential and proxy account which ran the sql jobs to ensure that they had the necessary rights. I tried executing the package again from Sql server agent but still got the same error.

    We uninstalled DQS on our RTE environment and reinstalled it again but the problem still remains.

    Anybody else experienced this issue or have any idea what may be causing the error.

  • This error occurs if the SSIS package is run against a Data Quality Server installation, which is different from the one against which the SSIS package was created. The Data Cleansing component in the SSIS package internally stores the "ID" of the knowledge base against which it is mapped instead of storing the "name" of the knowledge base. The Knowledge Base ID for the same knowledge bases is different in diffferent Data Quality Server installations. Hence, the DQS cleansing component is unable to locate the Knowledge Base ID for the same knowledge base on another Data Quality Server installation, and throws this error.

    To resolve this issue, before running the SSIS package against the new Data Quality Server installation, edit the package to change the connection string to point to the new Data Quality Server. This changes the Knowledge Base ID in the package accordingly, and you will be able run the package succesfully against the new Data Quality Server installation.

    This issue is also documented here: Troubleshooting Operational Issues in DQS.

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