Header Row Delimiter Ignored in SSIS

  • I'm dealing with a file where the header row is different that the rows in the body, in that it does not end in a delimiter. This is probably a bug and will be resolved, but it uncovered a behavior that seems to imply that the Header Row delimiter parameter is being ignored. I've tested with 2008 R2 and 2012, both show a problem, but they are not consistent with each other.

    Consider a file:





    Set up a Flat file connection as a delimited file with Column names in first row, Header Row delimiter is {CR}{LF}, Column Delimiter is {|}, and Row Delimiter is {CR}{LF}.

    In 2008 R2, the last column will include the pipe, i.e. 1|, 2|. In 2012 it does not!

    My guess was to change the Row Delimiter to |{CR}{LF}. Both 2008 R2 and 2012 now treat the first two rows as header and add more columns, but they do not process the rows consistently. 2012 gives 2 rows with data in the first 3 columns, but 2008 R2 gives a single row.

    Similarly, when writing files, it seems like the Header Row delimiter is not used.

    Can anyone confirm or explain this behavior? Is this a bug or by design.

    If I really need a difference, I can code around it. Mostly want to understand the behavior.


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