Pass value to Dataset instead of Parameter

  • This is very simple

    lets say I have 2 textboxes. in one textbox is just a value of 1

    The other textbox I want to execute my DataSet which executes a stored procedure passing the id of a customer.

    so if I wanted the last name of the customer to show up in textbox2 , based on a hard coded value of 1 in textbox one and my Dataset1 is a storedprocedure which expects the id being passed.

    To make this even more simple

    Lets say I have a textbox and I want to execute a DataSet and pass my own hard coded value as its stored procedures expected parameter, instead of a SSRS parameter. I want to leave the Dataset parameter value blank and pass values to it

  • I can see maybe using a hidden report parameter or a report variable, but how to I change it on the fly. in expressions can you execute more then one statement?

    or am I going to have to do something like custom code


    if so what would CallMyStoredProcedure look like and where does it go?

  • If I'm getting this right, that is actually what parameters are used for. Get a value for something that affects the result of the report.

    When you create a parameter for the report do not assign a default value so when you open the report it will ask for a value to execute the query and obtain the resulting report. Just make sure that the query/stored procedure receives the value of the parameter and it is used on the query as a filter.

  • i already know the value for it its textbox2.value, but it doesn't let you assign textboxes as values only parameters or tablix datasets fields.

    im sure ill figure it out today, its Monday and not EOD Friday thanks for you help

  • =Lookup(1,Fields!STORE_NO.Value,Fields!STORE_NAME.Value,"StoreByBrandHasLoyaltyRewards")

    is what I was looking for

    see hard coded 1

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