Help with setting LinkTarget=_blank to open URLs in new window

  • I want to change links on one report to open in a new window. I have read enough to know that using the LinkTarget="_blank" syntax somewhere is part of the solution, but nothing I have tried is working. Can anyone help me understand where to set this option?

    I have tried to put it in the URL of the report I'm working with by manually typing it after the report URL after opening the report. Even after refreshing the report with it in the URL, links still open in the same window.

    I have tried to put it in the URL of the link that is in the Action property of the report item.

    I don't know where else to put it, but clearly I'm not putting it in the right place for it to work.

  • To open in a new window I use this


    &ParameterName=" & Parameters!ParameterNameDepartment.Value & "

    &rs:Command=Render&rc:Parameters=false&rc:Toolbar=false', 'WindowTargetname','width=1025,height=600,location=no,toolbar=no,resizable=1,scrollbars=yes,dependent=yes'))"

    It should be all one line but I CRLF'd it to make it more readable. For the url I usually open the report I want to jump to and just copy & paste the URL. I added a papameter too so you can see how that part works. yOU can name the wondow too by replaceing the Window Target Name Value.

    This syntax is very picky, a lot of times I have to cut my losses and start over with one that workss and slowly replace stuff until it works.

  • Thanks, I will give this a try. For the time being I just told the customer to hold down the Ctrl key while they click. I even put that into the "tool tip" text as a reminder of the technique for opening any link in a new window. I think that will suffice for this particular situation, but before the next time this comes up, I will try to master the URL string you supplied.

    Thanks again!

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