Inherited a .dtsx

  • What is the best way to open this to see what it is doing? I am told it is executing a stored procedure & then writing to .csv file. It is running via scheduled job using exec master..xp_cmdshell (I think this may have something to do with migration & 32 bit vs 64 bit, but not sure). I do see that the scheduled job is executing & the .csv files are being populated, but how can I see this from the designer? I want to see each step in the process. Nothing I have tried to do will open it so I can see it via a design type of screen. Help? Please.



  • if you actually have a .dtsx file, you can work with it by doign the following:

    in Visual Studio 2008 (BIDS) create a new Integration Services Project.

    In the Solution Explorer, right click on SSIS Packages and select Add Existing Package. A wizard then lets you choose where it's at.

  • Thx

    I was trying to use VS 2005 & when I try to create a new package it throws "object reference not set to an instance of an object"

    Do I need to install VS2008 or can I do something to correct the above error?



  • I was able to get your suggestion to work on VS2005 on a different box.... THANX!!!!


  • oops, sorry for the version confusion, forgot I was answering a question in SQL Server 2005 forum

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