XML Column Read

  • Hi,

    I have a column in table with xml type. I want to extract it row wise but it is giving me only first result

    My Table has following data

    id ItemId

    1 <itemids><itemid>259</itemid><itemid>489</itemid></itemids>

    2 <itemids><itemid>6834262</itemid><itemid>489</itemid></itemids>

    3 <itemids><itemid>6603537</itemid></itemids>



    itemid.value('(/itemids//itemid/node())[1]','int') AS ItemIDA

    from mytable;

    query is only returning first ItemId against every Id.

  • Based on your sample data: -

    IF object_id('tempdb..#yourTable') IS NOT NULL


    DROP TABLE #yourTable;


    SELECT id, CAST(ItemId AS XML) AS ItemId

    INTO #yourTable

    FROM (VALUES(1, '<itemids><itemid>259</itemid><itemid>489</itemid></itemids>'),

    (2, '<itemids><itemid>6834262</itemid><itemid>489</itemid></itemids>'),

    (3, '<itemids><itemid>6603537</itemid></itemids>')

    )a(id, ItemId);

    You'd do it like this: -

    SELECT id, ParamValues.ItemId.value('.','INT') AS ItemId

    FROM #yourTable

    OUTER APPLY ItemId.nodes('/itemids/itemid') ParamValues(ItemId);

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  • thank you. 🙂

    this is what I have implemented

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