Error whilst Saving the document as

  • hello all.

    I use this procedure for export from sql server to word that be found in

    and changed connection string to :

    select @ConnectionString='Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=Nik-Azizi;Data Source=tcp:,1433;Database=MaliGilan'

    procedure runs until line 340 fine but when save to doc,get this error:

    Error whilst Saving the document as F:\foobar.doc

    alter procedure [dbo].[spExportToWord] ( ----------------Exporting from SQL Server to Word

    @SourceServer varchar(30)=null,

    @SourceUID varchar(30)=null,

    @SourcePWD varchar(30)=null,

    @SourceDatabase varchar(100)=null,

    @QueryText varchar(200),

    @ConnectionString varchar(255) =null,

    @DocumentFile varchar(100),

    @TableFormat varchar(100)='professional',

    @tableHeading varchar(7000)=null)


    create table sample(

    [ ] varchar(80),

    [Software Sales] varchar(80),

    [Hardware Sales] varchar(80),

    [Consultancy] varchar(80),

    [Total] varchar(80))

    insert into sample select 'First Quarter','£1940','£567','£765','£3272'

    insert into sample select 'Second Quarter','£15960','£3685','£34000','£53645'

    insert into sample select 'Third Quarter','£39480','£5000','£23000','£67480'

    insert into sample select 'Fourth Quarter','£23960','£3549','£3470','£30979'

    insert into sample select 'Total','£81340','£12801','£61235','£155376'

    spExportToword @QueryText='Select * from sample',

    @documentFile='C:\report5.doc',@Tableformat='Grid 6'

    spExportToword @QueryText='Select * from sample',

    @documentFile='C:\report6.doc',@Tableformat='Grid 6',@tableHeading='This is a pretty impressive table'



    Declare @hr int,

    @strErrorMessage varchar(1000),

    @objDBC int,

    @objRecordSet int,

    @objErrorObject int,

    @objWord int,

    @objDocument int,

    @ObjRange int,

    @objTable int,

    @Row int,

    @Bucket int,

    @ii int,

    @Fieldname varchar(100),

    @fields int,

    @recordCount int,

    @TableLength int,

    @Command varchar(255),

    @State int,

    @EOF int,

    @FieldValue varchar(8000),

    @wdAlertsNone int,

    @wdTableFormat int

    Select @wdAlertsNone=0

    Select @wdTableFormat= case replace(@TableFormat,' ','')

    when '3DEffects1' then 32

    when '3DEffects2' then 33

    when '3DEffects3' then 34

    when 'Classic1' then 4

    when 'Classic2' then 5

    when 'Classic3' then 6

    when 'Classic4' then 7

    when 'Colorful1' then 8

    when 'Colorful2' then 9

    when 'Colorful3' then 10

    when 'Colourful1' then 8

    when 'Colourful2' then 9

    when 'Colourful3' then 10

    when 'Columns1' then 11

    when 'Columns2' then 12

    when 'Columns3' then 13

    when 'Columns4' then 14

    when 'Columns5' then 15

    when 'Contemporary' then 35

    when 'Elegant' then 36

    when 'Grid1' then 16

    when 'Grid2' then 17

    when 'Grid3' then 18

    when 'Grid4' then 19

    when 'Grid5' then 20

    when 'Grid6' then 21

    when 'Grid7' then 22

    when 'Grid8' then 23

    when 'List1' then 24

    when 'List2' then 25

    when 'List3' then 26

    when 'List4' then 27

    when 'List5' then 28

    when 'List6' then 29

    when 'List7' then 30

    when 'List8' then 31

    when 'None' then 0

    when 'Professional' then 37

    when 'Simple1' then 1

    when 'Simple2' then 2

    when 'Simple3' then 3

    when 'Subtle1' then 38

    when 'Subtle2' then 39

    when 'Web1' then 40

    when 'Web2' then 41

    when 'Web3' then 42

    else 0 end

    set nocount on

    IF @QueryText IS NULL


    raiserror ('A query string is required for spExportToWord',16,1)

    RETURN 1


    -- Sets the server to the local server by default

    IF @SourceServer IS NULL SELECT @SourceServer = @@servername

    -- Sets the database to the local one by default

    IF @SourceDatabase IS NULL SELECT @SourceDatabase = DB_name()

    --if he hasn't specified a connection string...

    if @connectionString is null

    --if @SourcePWD is null or @SourceUID is null


    select @ConnectionString='Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=Nik-Azizi;Data Source=tcp:,1433;Database=MaliGilan'

    --'Driver={SQL Server};







    --select @ConnectionString='Driver={SQL Server};



    --User ID='+@SourceUID+';



    --now we will create the connection string

    Select @strErrorMessage='Making ADODB connection ',


    EXEC @hr=sp_OACreate 'ADODB.Connection', @objDBC OUT

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage='Assigning ConnectionString property "'

    + @ConnectionString + '"',


    if @hr=0 EXEC @hr=sp_OASetProperty @objDBC,

    'ConnectionString', @ConnectionString

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage

    ='Opening the connection'

    if @hr=0 EXEC @hr=sp_OAMethod @objDBC, 'Open'

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage

    ='Executing the query'

    if @hr=0 EXEC @hr=sp_OAMethod @objDBC, 'Execute',

    @objRecordSet out , @QueryText

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage='Getting the RS State ',


    if @hr=0

    EXEC @hr=sp_OAGetProperty @objRecordSet, 'State',

    @State OUT

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage='Getting whether the EOF was reached '

    if @hr=0

    EXEC @hr=sp_OAGetProperty @objRecordSet, 'EOF',

    @eof OUT

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage='Getting the field count '

    EXEC @hr=sp_OAGetProperty @objRecordSet, 'fields.count',

    @fields OUT

    Select @RecordCount=0

    while @hr=0 and @Eof=0 and @State=1 and @fields>0


    Select @RecordCount=@RecordCount+1

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage='moving to the next record ',


    if @hr=0 EXEC @hr=sp_OAMethod @objRecordSet, 'MoveNext'

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage='Getting whether the EOF was reached ',


    if @hr=0

    EXEC @hr=sp_OAGetProperty @objRecordSet, 'EOF',@eof OUT

    select @ii=@ii+1


    EXEC sp_OAMethod @objRecordSet, 'Close'

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage

    ='Executing the query'

    if @hr=0 EXEC @hr=sp_OAMethod @objDBC, 'Execute',

    @objRecordSet out , @QueryText

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage='Getting the RS State ',


    if @hr=0

    EXEC @hr=sp_OAGetProperty @objRecordSet, 'State',

    @State OUT

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage='Getting whether the EOF was reached '

    if @hr=0

    EXEC @hr=sp_OAGetProperty @objRecordSet, 'EOF',

    @eof OUT

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage='Getting the field count '

    EXEC @hr=sp_OAGetProperty @objRecordSet, 'fields.count',

    @fields OUT

    --trap nonsense recordcount and add a header row

    Select @TableLength = case when @recordCount>0 then @recordcount+1 else 20 end

    if @hr=0 and @Eof=0 and @State=1


    Select @strErrorMessage='instantiating Word application ',


    EXEC @hr=sp_OACreate 'Word.Application', @objWord OUT

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage='Ensuring no alerts',


    if @hr=0 EXEC @hr=sp_OASetProperty @objWord,

    'DisplayAlerts', @wdAlertsNone

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage='Ensuring Word invisible',


    if @hr=0 EXEC @hr=sp_OASetProperty @objWord,

    'Visible', 0

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage ='Creating a new file',


    if @hr=0 EXEC sp_OAMethod @objWord, 'Documents.Add',

    @objDocument output

    if @TableHeading is not null


    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage ='Writing the heading',



    if @hr=0 EXEC sp_OAMethod @objWord,@command

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage ='ending the paragraph'

    if @hr=0 EXEC sp_OAMethod @objWord,'Selection.TypeParagraph()'


    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage ='Creating a range',


    if @hr=0 EXEC @hr=sp_OAMethod @objWord, 'Selection.Range',

    @objRange output

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage ='Adding a table',


    if @hr=0 EXEC @hr=sp_OAMethod @objdocument, 'Tables.Add',

    @bucket output ,@objRange,@TableLength,@fields

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage ='getting the table object',


    if @hr=0 EXEC @hr=sp_OAGetProperty @objdocument, 'Tables(1)',

    @objTable output




    EXEC sp_OAMethod @objRecordSet, 'Close'

    EXEC sp_OAMethod @objDBC, 'Close'

    EXEC sp_OADestroy @objDBC

    EXEC sp_OADestroy @objRecordSet

    Raiserror ('No result set from ''%s'', using ''%s''',16,1,@connectionString, @queryText)

    return 1


    Select @Row=1

    if @hr=0 and @Eof=0 and @State=1


    Select @ii=0

    while @ii<@fields and @hr=0


    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage='Getting each field name ',

    @Command='fields('+cast(@ii as varchar(3))+').name',


    if @hr=0

    EXEC @hr=sp_OAGetProperty @objRecordSet, @command,

    @fieldName OUT

    --select @FieldName,@ii,@fields

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage='Setting the table heading font ',

    @Command='Cell(1,'+cast(@ii+1 as varchar(3))+').range.font.bold',


    if @hr=0

    EXEC @hr=sp_OASetProperty @objTable, @command, 1

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage='Setting the table heading value ',

    @Command='Cell(1,'+cast(@ii+1 as varchar(3))+').range.Text',


    if @hr=0

    EXEC @hr=sp_OASetProperty @objTable, @command, @FieldName

    select @strErrorMessage=@strErrorMessage+ ' with '+@Command

    -- objTable.Cell(1, @ii).Range.Text = @FieldValue

    Select @ii=@ii+1



    while @hr=0 and @Eof=0 and @State=1 and @fields>0


    Select @Row=@Row+1

    Select @ii=0

    while @ii<@fields and @hr=0


    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage='Getting each field value ',

    @Command='fields('+cast(@ii as varchar(3))+').value',


    if @hr=0

    EXEC @hr=sp_OAGetProperty @objRecordSet, @command,

    @fieldvalue OUT

    --objTable.Cell(@row, @ii).Range.Text = objItem.Name

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage='Setting the data table cell ',


    @Command='Cell('+cast(@row as varchar(3))+','+cast(@ii+1 as varchar(3))+').range.Text'

    if @hr=0

    EXEC @hr=sp_OASetProperty @objTable, @command, @FieldValue

    select @strErrorMessage=@strErrorMessage+ ' with '+@Command

    Select @ii=@ii+1


    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage='moving to the next record ',


    if @hr=0 EXEC @hr=sp_OAMethod @objRecordSet, 'MoveNext'

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage='Getting whether the EOF was reached ',


    if @hr=0

    EXEC @hr=sp_OAGetProperty @objRecordSet, 'EOF',@eof OUT

    select @ii=@ii+1


    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage='Autoformatting to style '+cast(@wdTableFormat as varchar(2)),


    @command='AutoFormat('+cast(@wdTableFormat as varchar(2))+')'

    if @hr=0

    EXEC @hr=sp_OAMethod @objTable, @command

    if @hr=0 Select @strErrorMessage ='Saving the document as '+@Documentfile,


    if @hr=0 EXEC @hr = sp_OAMethod @objWord,

    'Activedocument.SaveAs' , NULL , @DocumentFile

    EXEC sp_OAMethod @objRecordSet, 'Close'

    EXEC sp_OAMethod @objDBC, 'Close'

    EXEC sp_OAMethod @objWord, 'Quit'

    if @hr<>0



    @Source varchar(255),

    @Description Varchar(255),

    @Helpfile Varchar(255),

    @HelpID int

    EXECUTE sp_OAGetErrorInfo @objErrorObject,

    @source output,@Description output,@Helpfile output,@HelpID output

    Select @strErrorMessage='Error whilst '

    +coalesce(@strErrorMessage,'doing something')

    +', '+coalesce(@Description,'')

    raiserror (@strErrorMessage,16,1)


    -------------------------ezafe ast khodam ezafe kardam

    --declare @src varchar(255), @desc varchar(255)

    --if @hr<>0

    -- EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo 16711422, @src OUT, @desc OUT

    -- raiserror('Error 0x%x, %s, %s',16,1, @hr, @src, @desc)


    EXEC sp_OADestroy @objDBC

    EXEC sp_OADestroy @objRecordSet

    Exec sp_oaDestroy @objDocument

    EXEC sp_OADestroy @objTable

    EXEC sp_OADestroy @objRange

    EXEC sp_OADestroy @objWord

    return @hr


    --Execute spExportToword

    --@QueryText='select * from QMS_QmsBase',


    --@Tableformat='Colourful 1'

    please help me to solve this problem.thanks

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