Backup database

  • We have a SQL server that hosts a vendor product.

    The vendor setup a backup for the database.

    I see in the SQL job it has a T-SQL

    BACKUP DATABASE [RenaissanceServer] TO [RenaissanceServer] WITH INIT , NOUNLOAD , NAME = N'RenaissanceServer backup', NOSKIP , STATS = 10, NOFORMAT

    What does this mean?

    I thought after the word TO it has to be device name, but this one is the database name, what this means?


  • It is entirely possible that a backup device has been created with the same name as the database.

    Does that name appear within sys.backup_devices?

  • Thanks,

    I got this:





    I noticed the vendor didn't put the device to our backup drive which is G:\Backup,

    How can I change the device to it?


  • Maybe you should engage the vendor that set it all up to find out why they have set it up that way?

  • I found this is a logical backup device,

    We have to drop it first then recreate it with different path.


  • sqlfriends (10/9/2012)


    I got this:





    I noticed the vendor didn't put the device to our backup drive which is G:\Backup,

    How can I change the device to it?


    Use sp_dropdevice to delete the current backup device and recreate it using sp_addumpdevice. Both are detailed in Books Online.

    Point out to the vendor that backing up to a dump device with INIT will be overwriting backup sets, do you really want to do this? What is your SLA for "getting the data back"?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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