Making New Infrastructure Investments

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Making New Infrastructure Investments

  • has probably the most interesting/compelling story "out there" about their use of the cloud - they started as a 100% cloud play and then discovered that they could do it in house for a lot less, they now use the cloud for its’ ability to burst rapidly, but not for day to day operations as it simply costs more than running on premise in the long term and they have actually morphed into a mini-Amazon in that they are now selling their own excess capacity.


  • im curious,

    a lot of the resistance to cloud usage comes from a financial standpoint or a good old fashioned control of hardware need... but has anyone looked at this from the reverse angle...

    do our clients like a cloud based app? (i don't count virtual machines or rented servers in a data center as cloud- i'm talking about cloud services )

    what does it give the end user ?

    and more importantly, what apps do you have that you would love or conversely hate to see running in the cloud.


  • I am starting to wonder how much Steve has invested in cloud stocks...



  • Joe Clifford (5/23/2012) has probably the most interesting/compelling story "out there" about their use of the cloud - they started as a 100% cloud play and then discovered that they could do it in house for a lot less, they now use the cloud for its’ ability to burst rapidly, but not for day to day operations as it simply costs more than running on premise in the long term and they have actually morphed into a mini-Amazon in that they are now selling their own excess capacity.


    I think that as you scale in a predictable fashion, it does become a harder ROI in the cloud. However Zygna has done it well. Build for the cloud, but run things in house when it is more cost effective. Run in the cloud when it's bursty.

    Having stuff in house at a minimal level makes sense for applications. It's definitely cheaper at some point.

  • michael vessey (5/24/2012)

    what does it give the end user ?

    Shouldn't be anything for the end user. They shouldn't know, or care. Services should just work.

    The cloud, hosted services/servers/platforms, is just a different way of IT running its infrastructure. The only reason it's worth doing is if you can save something: time, money, resources.

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