Remote database support and service

  • Remote database work has many positive points.

    * Cost savings. Money is saved by not having to staff a full-time DBA for part-time DBA work. Money that would normally be spent to staff the full-time DBA can be invested towards additional resources, or simply be absorbed back into the company, showing a greater net profit. For example, 50 hours per month (as apposed to 160) may be spent providing proactive database monitoring and routine DBA support. A company only pays for hours in excess of 50 per month as needed. This allows the recurring cost of DBA support to be kept to a minimum while maintaining the availability of additional DBA support as needed. So basically, an organization is able to pay only for what it needs. Investment is based on specific business requirements, not salary requirements of a qualified DBA that will likely be hammered by employment offers from different firms.

    * Better quality support. When an organization out-sources remote database support, the remote database support company takes on the burden of recruiting/maintaining DBA staff, funding employee benefits, office space, equipment, employee training and other related costs of having an employee. Furthermore, a remote DBA company should be able to provide a DBA staff with depth and diverse database knowledge. Ideally, the company requiring remote DBA support would have access to all of the resources of the company providing remote DBA services, not just a single employee.

    Indirectly this cost get reduced as well

    * Hiring costs

    * Benefits

    * Taxes

    * Paid time off (unavailability)

    * Equipment

    * Training costs

    * Turnover costs (after they get trained and experienced)

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