• When my daughter was six years old, we went to a school sponsored book fair. I bought her a book that included a kit to create a battery. When I paid for the merchandise, the woman at the register said, "I didn't realize you had a son.".

    I proceeded to explain in simple terms that the battery kit was for my daughter, and that she was interested in understanding and learning more about science and technology.

    The woman at the register still didn't "get it".

    Now, ten years later, my daughter is in high school and she is the only female in her programming class.

    One of the reasons that women aren't in IT is because the stereotypes still exist. We can talk about the Mommy-track and its impact, but we still need to encourage young girls that its OK to love math and science.

    I'm in IT and I'm in my mid 50's so I've been in the workforce awhile. The environment seems more positive for women and families in general. We are definitely headed in the right direction.