• not directly, no.

    each column has to be referenced in the update statement, but you can use the schema tables to generate the SQL statement for you.

    you were a little loose on the details...a decimal point replaced in a varchar is different than a decimal point in a decimal/float datatype...do you mean find and replace a '.', or turna value into an integer?

    what is a full stop that you want to replace? a CrLF?

    here's a simple example to generate an update for every VARCHAR field in a given table:

    declare @vbCrLf CHAR(2)

    SET @vbCrLf=CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)


    max(s3.create_date) AS create_date,

    s3.name As [TheTable],'UPDATE ' + s3.name + ' SET ' +

    stuff(( SELECT ',' + name + ' = REPLACE(' + name + ',''badstring'',''goodstring)' + @vbCrLf

    FROM sys.columns s2

    WHERE OBJECT_NAME(s2.object_id)= s3.name --- must match GROUP BY below

    and TYPE_NAME(s2.system_type_id) = 'varchar'

    ORDER BY s2.column_id

    FOR XML PATH('')

    ),1,1,'') as [TheColumns]

    FROM sys.columns s1

    inner join sys.objects s3 on s1.object_id = s3.object_id

    WHERE s3.type='U'

    GROUP BY s3.name --- without GROUP BY multiple rows are returned

    ORDER BY s3.name


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!