• The hardest part of the question was figuring out what is the result of 5/3.1

    IMHO the point of the question would make more sense if it had been changed to 5/3.0 as the result of the function would actually be affected by the third parameter of the ROUND function unlike in this question.

    To illustrate:


    Example = 'Your example'

    ,input_data = '5/3.1'

    ,Truncation = ROUND(1.612903, 1, 1) -- 1.600000

    ,Rounding = ROUND(1.612903, 1, 0) -- 1.600000

    union all


    'Better example'


    ,ROUND(1.666666,1,1) -- 1.600000

    ,ROUND(1.666666,1,0) -- 1.700000

    Example input_data Truncation Rounding

    -------------- ---------- ------------ ----------

    Your example 5/3.1 1.600000 1.600000

    Better example 5/3.0 1.600000 1.700000


    Hrvoje Piasevoli

    Hrvoje Piasevoli