• Hugo Kornelis (9/5/2010)

    Indeed. The check itself changes the options for the optimizer. The method now even appears to be immune to parallel execution problems, since the parallel streams have to be gathered and re-synched before the row numbers can be calculated.

    Sadly I fear it is not so. While it is true that the Sequence Project that calculates row numbers must run serially, there is no guarantee that the optimizer will not choose to restart parallelism after that iterator. If the critical Compute Scalar runs in parallel, bad things will happen.

    With the current costing model, this is outrageously unlikely in practice because Compute Scalars are barely costed at all (reference 1; reference 2 - both from Conor). This costing arrangement may well change in SQL11.

    Nevertheless, I can produce a plan today where parallelism is restarted for the Compute Scalar by choosing a suitably large CPU multiplier for the costing model. I illustrated the method just a few days ago on my blog: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/paul_white/archive/2010/09/01/inside-the-optimizer-plan-costing.aspx

    Hugo Kornelis (9/5/2010)

    There may be a way to break this method on current versions of SQL Server, but it takes someone smarter then me to find it. And even if you accidentally stumble over it, or if new versions of the optimizer start to wreck this method, you're still safe because of the builtin safety check.

    I can conceive of a way to break the safety check, but it requires significant effort from the imagination:

    We would need the optimiser to produce a plan that separates the sequence check into a Compute Scalar separate from that which performs the quirky update variable assignments. Further, something like an explicit sort would be needed between those two Compute Scalars, arranged very particularly so that the rows are in sequence at the safety check, but not at the variable-assignment iterator. Such a plan is presently all but impossible (and that may be understating it) but even so...
