• tt-615680 (8/26/2010)

    GilaMonster (8/26/2010)

    What's the wait type for the process while that backup is running?

    Edit: Is that extra quote in your statement a typo?

    Should be

    BACKUP DATABASE 'Databasename' TO DISK = 'E:\'filename.BAK'


    BACKUP DATABASE 'Databasename' TO DISK = 'E:\'filename'.BAK'

    I will run the job again tomorrow morning and see what the wait type for the process is and also I will check to see if there are any other processes that is blocking the job.

    Thank you.

    I've run the Job again with diffrent times but it still doing the same thing, it's not backing up. I run the script to see the wait type for the process and also if there are any other processses that are blocking the job and here are the results that I got:

    kpid block waittype waittime lastwaittype

    22000x0000 0 ASYNC_DISKPOOL_LOCK

    480800x0000 0 MISCELLANEOUS

    518800x0000 0 ASYNC_DISKPOOL_LOCK

    Thank you.