• Thanks for taking a look at the article!

    iqtedar (8/23/2010)

    I have something similar to do but my scenario is little different, any suggestion would be highly appreciated. Lets say i need to deploy a stored proc, it has to be done across multiple servers with in different db( names are also different). For ex i need to deploy usp_test it has to be done on server 1(db1,db2,db3....) ,server 2(db4,db5,db6....)........ I know third party tools can do this but looking for an in-built way. Btw we do have a control server which has linked servers to all our prod servers. Thanks

    If you look at the example SQL Server Agent Job in the attachment, you'd be able to accomplish that by making multiple calls to sqlcmd and by changing the -S parameter in each subsequent call.

    for example:

    --run against instance 1

    EXEC xp_cmdshell 'SQLCMD -S"Instance1" -E -dmaster -i"\\path\01a_update_Instance1.sql" -o"\\path\script_output_Instance1.txt"'

    --run against instance 2

    EXEC xp_cmdshell 'SQLCMD -S"Instance2" -E -dmaster -i"\\path\02a_update_Instance2.sql" -o"\\path\script_output_Instance2.txt"'


    Your 01a_update_Instance1.sql would reference the update scripts containing "USE [DB1]" atop of them on Instance1 and 02a_update_Instance2.sql would then reference the update scripts containing "USE [DB2]" atop of them, each set of scripts being geared toward the specific instance you are running it against.

    To use the same exact script, you could likely change the -d parameter from master to your DB's on each instance and remove the USE statements at the top of each script.

    for example:

    --run against instance 1

    EXEC xp_cmdshell 'SQLCMD -S"Instance1" -E -d"DB1" -i"\\path\update_stored_proc.sql" -o"\\path\script_output_Instance1.txt"'

    --run against instance 2

    EXEC xp_cmdshell 'SQLCMD -S"Instance2" -E -d"DB2" -i"\\path\update_stored_proc.sql" -o"\\path\script_output_Instance2.txt"'


    Hope that helps!