Home Forums SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 - General Hi, I have migrated a database from sql server 2000 instance to another sql server 2000 instance.So i have taken the backup of the Tenu001 database and i have restored it onto the target instance.Then later on i tried to transfer the logins and passwords from the source instance to the target insta RE: Hi, I have migrated a database from sql server 2000 instance to another sql server 2000 instance.So i have taken the backup of the Tenu001 database and i have restored it onto the target instance.Then later on i tried to transfer the logins and passwords from the source instance to the target i

  • You've listed a lot here, but it's not clear exactly what you did.

    Did you run sp_help_revlogin (the 2000) version on the SQL Server 2000 server?

    Did you then run the resulting script on the 2008 server? I assume all your logins got created, is that correct?

    Then with the database restored, did you try to fix orphaned users? What did you run? This is a fairly simple process. You resync the logins with the users with sp_change_users_login. It's not more complicate than that, assuming everything ran without errors.

    Please format your posts so it isn't one continuous stream of thoughts. That is very hard to read.