• Prasanna,

    I used this script to get information about Functions and Updated/Selected columns. I hope this willl atleast give you an idea about it.

    You can also set an auditing trigger for DDL statements that will provide you in depth on what DDL ran on which column or table in database.

    Please read the below blog:


    They have scripts in a .Zip file. I have not used that yet but I guess this will provide you more programming knowledge on how to set those auditing triggers.

    Create table #USP_Dependents

    (Usp_name varchar(300),

    Dependent_name varchar(300),

    type varchar(50),

    updated varchar(50),

    selected varchar(50),



    Create table #USP_Dep

    (Dependent_name varchar(300),

    type varchar(50),

    updated varchar(50),

    selected varchar(50),



    declare @name varchar(500)

    declare cur_depend Cursor for

    Select distinct name from sysobjects

    where xtype = 'FN'

    and name like 'IS%'

    open cur_depend

    fetch next from cur_depend into @name

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    INSERT INTO #USP_Dep EXEC sp_depends @name

    INSERT INTO #USP_Dependents(Usp_name,Dependent_name,type,updated,selected,[column])

    select @name,Dependent_name,type,updated,selected,[column]

    from #USP_dep

    delete from #USP_Dep

    fetch next from cur_depend into @name


    close cur_depend

    deallocate cur_depend

    Select * from #USP_Dependents