• mtillman-921105 (8/3/2010)

    However, I can accept your line of reasoning, but I still don't agree.

    I can easily accept your line. I know, however, that it happens more often than not that we do have to agree with whatever implementation is, regardless whether it is consistent between different languages or not. If I try to use this in T-SQL:

    declare @i smallint, @j-2 smallint;

    select @i = 32767, @j-2 = 2;

    print @i * @j-2;

    I get "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type smallint" error. When I try to use similar in C#:

    short i = 32767;

    i *= (short)2;


    I get -2 printed in the Console window. I understand that neither of the above is what someone would perceive as reasonable, but I still accept both implementations. T-SQL does not allow overflows while C# simply wraps around (kinda like the sine) which is a great feature and it is used extensively in cryptography. So short 32767 + 2 is equal to -32767, and if I don't like it, I can force the T-SQL like behaviour by including the manipulation into checked {} block.
