• Brian, Thanks for the article. I have a question here. I am not gonna post the DDL scripts as I have used your sample tables.

    Consider the following statement that you had posted:

    Select COUNT(*),ManagerID

    From Employees

    Group By ManagerID

    Order By ManagerID

    Now say, I need a third column which shows all the subordinates (IDs in this case) of a manager as csv. Can this be done in a better way than this?



    COUNT(*) [No of Subs],

    (select(stuff((select ',' + cast(EmployeeID as varchar)

    from Employees where managerid = e.managerid

    for xml path('')),1,1,''))) [SubIDs]

    from Employees e

    group By e.ManagerID

    order By e.ManagerID

    I know the requirement (showing IDs as csv) is a little weird but I had to get similar output in some reports. Please comment.

    - arjun
