• It's a single table in the default file group. The file group has two files, each of which is on it's own LUN. The LUNs are each created on their own 5 disk RAID 5 array on the EMC SAN. The server is a 16 core (4x4) Dell server with 64 Gigs of RAM.

    We rarely hit the disks for reads, as we have a 99.98% buffer cache hit ratio.

    Today the table has 162 Million records in it. The data in the table is 213 Gigs, and the indexes are 112 Gigs. Query response time on the table is typically 1-2 seconds. Query run time can go as high as 4-5 seconds, or can be as little as .2 seconds. During any single minute we are writing tens of thousands of rows into the table via the .NET bulk insert provider.

    All read access to the table is done via stored procedures which use dynamic SQL to create the smallest possible query to hit the table. While this increases CPU load do to additional compiles, the benefit of reduced execution times do to simpler queries out ways the costs.

    If you'd like to know about our setup I'd be happy to tell you.