• I must say I'm quite disappointed I could not solve this problem in a simple way.

    Maybe It's something beyond my skills.

    Anyway this is the best I could put together:

    IF OBJECT_ID('Tempdb..#TmpTbl') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TmpTbl


    INSERT #TmpTbl ( TblID, MultiDelimStr )

    SELECT 101, 'Orange,Apple;Orange,Grape,Banana;Apple,Kiwi,Grape'


    SELECT 202, 'Grape,Apple;Orange,Grape,Banana;Peach,Kiwi,Grape'


    SELECT 303, 'Orange;Peach,Grape,Banana;Apple,Kiwi;Tangerine,Grapefruit'

    ;WITH Splits AS (

    SELECT TblId, GRP_ID = B.Id, C.Value AS Fruit, C.Id AS Fruit_id, NumGroups = MAX(B.Id) OVER(PARTITION BY TblId)

    FROM #TmpTbl AS A

    CROSS APPLY dbo.fSplit(MultiDelimStr, ';') AS B

    CROSS APPLY dbo.fSplit(B.Value, ',') AS C


    ThreeRows AS (


    FROM Tally

    WHERE N <= 3


    FourRows AS (


    FROM Tally

    WHERE N <= 4


    CrossThree AS (

    SELECT A.N AS [1], B.N AS [2], C.N AS [3]

    FROM ThreeRows AS A

    CROSS JOIN ThreeRows AS B

    CROSS JOIN ThreeRows AS C


    CrossFour AS (

    SELECT A.N AS [1], B.N AS [2], C.N AS [3], D.N AS [4]

    FROM FourRows AS A

    CROSS JOIN ThreeRows AS B

    CROSS JOIN ThreeRows AS C

    CROSS JOIN ThreeRows AS D


    SELECT DISTINCT B.TblId, B.Fruit + ',' + C.Fruit + ',' + D.Fruit

    FROM CrossThree AS A

    INNER JOIN Splits AS B

    ON B.GRP_ID = 1

    AND B.Fruit_ID = [1]

    INNER JOIN Splits AS C

    ON C.GRP_ID = 2

    AND C.TblId = B.TblId

    AND C.Fruit_ID = [2]

    AND C.Fruit <> B.Fruit

    INNER JOIN Splits AS D

    ON D.GRP_ID = 3

    AND D.TblId = C.TblId

    AND D.Fruit_ID = [3]

    AND D.Fruit <> B.Fruit

    AND D.Fruit <> C.Fruit

    WHERE B.NumGroups = 3


    SELECT DISTINCT B.TblId, B.Fruit + ',' + C.Fruit + ',' + D.Fruit + ',' + E.Fruit

    FROM CrossFour AS A

    INNER JOIN Splits AS B

    ON B.GRP_ID = 1

    AND B.Fruit_ID = [1]

    INNER JOIN Splits AS C

    ON C.GRP_ID = 2

    AND C.TblId = B.TblId

    AND C.Fruit_ID = [2]

    AND C.Fruit <> B.Fruit

    INNER JOIN Splits AS D

    ON D.GRP_ID = 3

    AND D.TblId = C.TblId

    AND D.Fruit_ID = [3]

    AND D.Fruit <> B.Fruit

    AND D.Fruit <> C.Fruit

    INNER JOIN Splits AS E

    ON E.GRP_ID = 4

    AND E.TblId = D.TblId

    AND E.Fruit_ID = [4]

    AND E.Fruit <> B.Fruit

    AND E.Fruit <> C.Fruit

    AND E.Fruit <> D.Fruit

    WHERE B.NumGroups = 4

    Basically the code builds two work tables (CrossThree and CrossFour) with "N" columns, holding all N^N possible combinations of values between 1 and "N".

    Once the work tables are in place, I join them back to the splitted strings, choosing the right worktable looking at the number of groups.

    The main thing I don't like about this code is that it relies on fixed numbers of groups, so that it should be generated dynamically after a first pass on the input data to gather the minimum/maximum number of groups.

    I think this problem could be solved much better with a CLR aggregate, but it's a technique I don't master.

    I hope someone can help with something better than this.


    -- Gianluca Sartori