• -- Create Tables and Insert Values

    Create Table tmpDis (ID int Identity(1,1), Disposition VARCHAR(50),CDATE Datetime )

    insert into tmpDis (Disposition,CDATE)

    Select 'Busy','7/1/2010'

    union all Select 'Ringing','7/1/2010'

    union all Select 'Callback','7/1/2010'

    union all Select 'Callback','7/1/2010'

    union all Select 'Busy', '7/2/2010'

    union all Select 'Callback','7/3/2010'

    union all Select 'Callback','7/3/2010'

    union all Select 'Callback','7/3/2010'

    union all Select 'Busy', '7/4/2010'

    union all Select 'Busy', '7/4/2010'

    union all Select 'Busy', '7/4/2010'

    union all Select 'Busy', '7/4/2010'

    union all Select 'Busy', '7/4/2010'

    union all Select 'Ringing','7/4/2010'

    union all Select 'Ringing','7/4/2010'

    union all Select 'Ringing','7/4/2010'

    union all Select 'Ringing','7/4/2010'

    union all Select 'Ringing','7/4/2010'

    -- Create a procedure

    Create PROCEDURE exec uspTmpDynamicTableTry



    CREATE TABLE MasterTbl -- for columns and rows


    RowText VARCHAR(50),

    ColumnText VARCHAR(20)


    INSERT INTO MasterTbl




    SELECT Distinct tmpDis.Disposition ,convert(varchar, tmpDis.CDATE, 112)

    FROM tmpDis

    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IX_MasterRef ON MasterTbl (RowText,ColumnText)

    CREATE TABLE ColumnsTbl --For column Header


    ColumnIndex INT IDENTITY (0, 1),

    ColumnText VARCHAR(20)


    INSERT INTO ColumnsTbl




    SELECT DISTINCT convert(varchar, tmpDis.CDATE, 112)

    FROM tmpDis

    ORDER BY convert(varchar, tmpDis.CDATE, 112)

    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IX_Columns ON ColumnsTbl (ColumnIndex, ColumnText)

    CREATE TABLE RowsTbl -- Output Table


    Disposition VARCHAR(50)






    SELECT Distinct tmpDis.Disposition

    FROM tmpDis

    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IX_Rows ON RowsTbl (Disposition)

    DECLARE @ColumnIndex INT,

    @MaxColumnIndex INT,

    @ColumnText VARCHAR(50),

    @SQLstr VARCHAR(1000)

    SELECT @ColumnIndex = 0, @MaxColumnIndex = MAX(ColumnIndex) FROM ColumnsTbl

    WHILE @ColumnIndex <= @MaxColumnIndex


    SELECT @ColumnText = ColumnText

    FROM ColumnsTbl

    WHERE ColumnIndex = @ColumnIndex

    SELECT @SQLstr = 'ALTER TABLE RowsTbl ADD ' + QUOTENAME(@ColumnText) + ' VARCHAR(100) NULL DEFAULT ''''' -- Add Rows from ColumnsTbl

    EXEC (@SQLstr)

    SELECT @SQLstr = 'UPDATE RowsTbl SET ' + QUOTENAME(@ColumnText) + ' = (Select Count(*) from tmpDis A Where convert(Decimal(8),convert(varchar, A.CDATE, 112)) = convert(Decimal(8),ColumnsTbl.ColumnText) and A.Disposition = MasterTbl.RowText Group by A.Disposition ) FROM MasterTbl , ColumnsTbl WHERE ColumnsTbl.ColumnText = MasterTbl.ColumnText and Disposition = MasterTbl.RowText AND ColumnsTbl.ColumnIndex = ' + CAST(@ColumnIndex AS VARCHAR(12))

    EXEC (@SQLstr)

    SELECT @ColumnIndex = @ColumnIndex + 1


    DROP TABLE ColumnsTbl

    DROP TABLE MasterTbl

    SELECT RowsTbl.* FROM RowsTbl

    DROP TABLE RowsTbl



    Exec uspTmpDynamicTableTry




    Disposition 20100701 20100702 20100703 20100704


    Busy 1 1 NULL 5

    Callback 2 NULL 3 NULL

    Ringing 1 NULL NULL 5

    (3 row(s) affected)

    I hope this Helps

    [font="Courier New"]-- Alban Lijo <SQL Rookie> :-)[/font]