• To use the scriptJobs2005.dtsx file you will need to have SQL Server 2005 installed with BIDS (SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio) and the SDKs (the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\SDK\Assemblies should many ddls in it). Then put the ScriptJobs.dtsconfig file in C:\temp. Then edit the ScriptJobs.dtsconfig file so that the server name is correct where the "########" is below. Then right click on scriptJobs2005.dtsx in windows explorer and click open. This will open the execute package Utility in which you will click execute. Then after it finishes, the sql files for each job will be in the C:\MyJobs folder. I am assuming the you have access to the SQL Server via your network password using integrated security.

    <?xml version="1.0"?>



    <DTSConfigurationFileInfo GeneratedBy="xxxx" GeneratedFromPackageName="ScriptJobs" GeneratedFromPackageID="{BE7E98AD-FC33-4C70-BB2B-B081DBBB6B97}" GeneratedDate="6/10/2010 3:47:27 PM"/>


    <Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="\Package.Variables[User::varFilePath].Properties[Value]" ValueType="String">



    <Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="\Package.Variables[User::varServerName].Properties[Value]" ValueType="String">


