• savosin_sergey (7/5/2010)

    My Count is only 20 (while right answer is 21)! Here is text result of the query from Question:

    Count String

    ----------- -----------

    20 (9),

    (10), (11), (12),

    (13), $(36), +(43), ,(44), -(45), .(46), 0(48), 1(49), 2(50), 3(51), 4(52), 5(53), 6(54), 7(55), 8(56), 9(57),

    (1 row(s) affected)

    Looks like a compatibility level issue. If you set the database to SQL Server 2000 compatibility mode, you lose the backslash character (92) from the list. Something to do with it being a valid currency character only in Japan/Korea for SQL 2000 but for all countries in SQL 2005-8.

    See about half way down this page
