• 1. Is the machine with VS2008 the same machine where SQL Server is installed? What I am getting to is that as developers we need to have Oracle client 32/64 bit installed on our dev machines as well as on the server where SSIS is running.

    2. Long shot.I checked out a link here where they speak about permission/security issues, which may effect you as well:http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dataaccesstechnologies/archive/2009/11/09/ssis-error-code-dts-e-oledberror-an-ole-db-error-has-occurred-reasons-and-troubleshooting.aspx

    3. We use Config files for our security , and that might cause havoc. Sometimes when one changes it through the Package Configuration Wizard, it removes the password.One then has to add it again manually.

    4. I have "funnies" happening to me and when I switched the ValidateExternalMetaData to "False" it caused my Connector to run again(something stored somewhere in cache). It is also good practice once you are at the end of your development to switch it off, as it causes SSIS to validate the metadata, and if you have a couple of sources and destinations, it can take a lot of time. The same goes for BypassPrepare- I switch it to True.

    5. What is your package's protectionlevel set to? We save ours as DontSaveSensitive.

    Maybe you can upload some pics or more detail so we can see as it is quite difficult not being there with you.