• GilaMonster (6/22/2010)

    yessen (6/22/2010)

    can you elaborate on full or diff backup?

    full database backup or differential database backup. Check books online if you want more details

    I guess the point in time restoration allows you to restore to particular time and simple logging will prevent you from doing this and will allow only to restore when the last backup was made, is that right?

    Correct. Again, look in books online for more details.

    How does that command break the log chain? I don't understand that.

    It discards log records without backing them up. Missing log records means no restore, plus log backups will fail after that command is run.

    The only reason I had to discard log records is because prior DBA did not really care about the size of .ldf files and they grew to 300gb size, which was impossible to backup (took forever). Is there a good way to maintain .ldf size at certain size? I tried to set the MAXSIZE = 10gb but when it reached that size my database could no longer make transactions and I had to get rid of that limit by setting it back to -1. All I am trying to do to set it to certain size and still continue writing the most recent transactions.

    When I do "full database backup or differential database backup", does that shrinks the .ldf size? From my observation, backup just allows you to come back to certain state, but does not affect .mdf or .ldf file sizes at all. I might be wrong though.