• In excel

    Create a spreadsheet called screwup.xls

    In MMC

    Create a SQL server connection

    Create a spreadsheet connection (who’s filename is the screwup.xls file)

    Create the Transform data task, in the source type “select 'user1' as [username], '1000' as err” in the SQL query. In destination click “create and change table name to “screwup”. Note. copy out the statement you will need it later it may look like CREATE TABLE `screwup` (`username` VarChar (5) , `err` VarChar (4) )

    Execute the Transform data task twice and open the spreadsheet. You will see two records.

    Create a SQL task who’s existing connection is the excel spreadsheet. Remember, the sheet “screwup” is treated like a table so you must drop it and re- create it, so type in “drop table screwup go” and now paste your create table syntax. Truncate table won’t work.

    Create an on completion/ success precedence from the SQL task to the SQL server connection.

    Run the package again and open the spreadsheet, there should be only one record.

    Hope this is the kind of thing you’re looking for and that my guide is straightforward.