• Gav B (6/8/2010)


    The database I have tested your script against has many tables and even more date columns; 487 date columns to be exact! Seems like a good test to me...

    This is a user-less test database, so I guess that combined with indexes which do exists on many date columns means I can return "top 1 dates desc" from 256 (the SQL2005 limit) different date columns, which are contained in 36 different tables, in just 10 seconds on first run, and 4 seconds on subsequent runs.

    I think your script is good and it's not an area of SQL scripting I've used before..

    i.e. creating dynamic SQL statements, either to run or print but I think I'm going to find it useful in future.

    I've had a bash at editing yours because I thought about it in a slightly different scope.

    I thought the main limitation of yours was that when you ran (EXEC) it came out pretty bad as each line was in a seperate results window.

    I thought what would be better is if it came out as a single "facts" dataset.

    To do this I created a derivied table stucture around all of it joining each query with a union all statement.

    So please check this out and let me know what you think.

    As my comments in the script explain it's not perfect yet :-):

    /*SCRIPT TITLE: Find all the Latest Dates in a SQL database.

    SCRPIT CREATOR: Gaby Abed (Originally) titled "A quick way to find recently entered datetime entries in tables"

    which can be found online here: http://www.sqlservercentral.com/scripts/T-SQL/70201/

    SCRPIT MODIFIED: Gavin Broughton on 08/06/2010

    MODIFICATIONS:1) Added the whole concept of a Derived table with the 3 dynamic "fact" columns: [TableName], [DateColumnName] & [Top1Date]

    2) Formatting improvements for easier readability in query windows (i.e. each query is not just 1 line)

    3) Limited the output to 256 tables because you can't run the query with more than 256 tables.

    - This can of course be changed if you need to output all the SQL.

    4) Included Qry No.'s as a comment to each query.

    KNOWN ISSUES:1) The script can not be run directly, the print output needs to be copy & pasted into a new query window to be run.

    2) You need to delete the very last "union all" statement for the query to work.

    - This script does not dynamically get rid of this for you at @ 08/06/2010.



    CREATE TABLE #FindLatestDates (rownum int identity(1,1), command varchar(8000))

    INSERT INTO #FindLatestDates(command)

    SELECT ' - Latest [' + sc.name + '] date in the [' + so.name + '] table.

    '+'select top 1 ''' + so.name + '''[TableName]

    ,''' + sc.name + '''[DateColumnName]

    ,[' + sc.name + '][LatestDate]

    from ['+ so.name + '] (nolock)

    order by [' + sc.name + '] desc

    union all'

    FROM syscolumns sc

    inner join sysobjects so on so.id = sc.id

    WHERE so.type = 'U' and sc.xtype = 61

    DECLARE @dtcolumns varchar(8000),

    @query varchar(8000),

    @dtend varchar(8000),

    @ctr int,

    @numrows int

    set @dtcolumns = 'SELECT dt.[TableName], dt.[DateColumnName], dt.[LatestDate]

    FROM ('

    set @dtend = ') dt -- Derived table ** NOTE ** Delete the Union All statement just before this note before running!

    ORDER BY dt.[Top1Date] DESC, dt.[TableName] ASC, dt.[DateColumnName] ASC'

    select @numrows = count(*) from #FindLatestDates

    set @ctr = 1

    print (@dtcolumns) -- print the derived table columns at the start of the query.

    while (@ctr <= @numrows)

    -- NOTE: The max number of tables you can query in this way is 256 in SQL2000/2005 so this must be limited. (untested on SQL2008)

    and @ctr <= 256


    select top 1 @query = command from #FindLatestDates

    where rownum = @ctr --Edit by Gaby Abed on 08/06/2010

    print '-- Qry No.' + cast(@ctr as varchar(4)) + (@query) -- Print the dynamic script to COPY & PASTE TO A NEW QUERY window.

    set @ctr = @ctr + 1


    print (@dtend)


    --select * from #FindLatestDates order by rownum

    drop table #FindLatestDates


    Perhaps a script to add indexes to date columns if they didn't have one would be quite cool?


    - Gav B.

    Thanks Gav for the edit. Regarding the index creation, I would recommend against automating it in any way, especially against unfamiliar tables. It's probably a dangerous thing to do in a production environment and it could also mess up the state of your development and staging tables. I'd still go the PRINT route and verify if it is worth creating the index, especially on large databases.

    Gaby________________________________________________________________"In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not." - Albert Einstein