• Gav B (6/8/2010)

    Gaby - I have a question about your script.

    What is the purpose of of the line which says:

    [font="System"]delete #findAccessTimes where rownum = @ctr[/font]

    It seems to work just fine with or without it?

    - Gav B

    Oops, my bad...buggy code. As there is never a guarantee on which row is selected without an expressed WHERE clause, I should have caught that. Error fixed and submitted for revision in main body of article.

    Try this:

    set nocount on

    create table #findAccessTimes (rownum int identity(1,1), command varchar(8000))

    insert into #findAccessTimes(command)

    select 'select top 1 ''' + so.name + ''' [TableName], [' + sc.name + '] from ['

    + so.name + '] (nolock) order by [' + sc.name + '] desc' from syscolumns sc

    inner join sysobjects so on so.id = sc.id

    where so.type = 'U' and sc.xtype = 61

    declare @query varchar(8000),

    @ctr int,

    @numrows int

    select @numrows = count(*) from #findAccessTimes

    set @ctr = 1

    while (@ctr <= @numrows)


    select @query = command from #findAccessTimes where rownum = @ctr -- Edit here

    print(@query) -- Verify with this print to make sure you like the queries

    -- exec(@query) -- that are generated before actually running them.

    delete #findAccessTimes where rownum = @ctr

    set @ctr = @ctr + 1



    drop table #findAccessTimes

    Gaby________________________________________________________________"In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not." - Albert Einstein